Job Creation Commission, Huawei Sign MoU to Work on ICT

Addis Ababa April 12/2021 (ENA) The Job Creation Commission has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to work with Huawi to develop the talent of youth on Information and Communications Technology (ICT).

Job Creation Commissioner, Nigusu Tilahun and CEO of Huawei Technologies Ethiopia PLC, Chen Mingliang have signed the MoU agreement today.

Accordingly, the agreement will enable graduates to develop their skills by taking advantage of the free training offered by Huawei.

Based on the agreement, Huawei will train and certify 4,000 graduated students within three years.

Out of these trainees, 400 students will be provided with job opportunities in the company.  

Nigusu said during the occasion that  the engagement of the private sector has huge potential to create enough jobs in the country.

He added that the contribution of Huawei is critical to share its experience and knowledge for Ethiopian youth.

The skills and certification provided by the company will enable the youth competent at international level alongside filling the gap in terms of well-trained manpower in the sector in the country, he noted.

CEO of Huawei Technologies Ethiopia PLC, Chen Mingliang said for his part that the company is ready to share its skills and experiences for Ethiopians.

Within the coming three years, the company will work with special priority to promote modern technologies like cloud computing in Ethiopia, according to the commissioner.

Ethiopian News Agency