Ethiopian Ambassador Confers with Sudan’s Undersecretary of Ministry of Foreign Affairs


April 11/2021(ENA) Ethiopian Ambassador to Sudan, Yibeltal Aemro on Sunday discussed with Sudan’s Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mohamed Sharif Abdallah.

The two sides exchanged views on the bilateral relations, the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) negotiations and the border dispute between the two countries.

During the discussion, Ambassador Yibeltal briefed to Mohamed Sharif about Ethiopia’s invitation to Sudan in a bid to nominate dam operator to exchange data on the second round of GERD's filling.

Ethiopia will continue to do its utmost efforts to avoid any harm to the brotherly people of Sudan because of the GERD, he said, adding that in this regard the Government and the people of Sudan should not be concerned.

Regarding on the border dispute, the ambassador stressed the border dispute between Ethiopia and Sudan should be resolved peacefully through the existing treaties and the already established joint committees.

However, nothing has changed in the situation as the Sudanese side lacks readiness to resolve the border issue peacefully, the ambassador said.

Undersecretary Mohamed Sharif Abdallah appreciated the exchange of data on the second filling of the GERD as a constructive move on the Ethiopia side.

He highlighted the need for binding agreement on the issue of Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam.

Speaking about the border issue, Mohamed Sharif said it is crucial to discuss on the border issue closely and facilitate the meeting of the two countries' high-level political committees in a move to resolve the border standoff.  

Ethiopian News Agency