IGAD to Hold Scientific Conference on Migration, Displacement in Addis Ababa


Addis Ababa, February 20/2021(ENA) The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) will hold its 2nd Scientific Conference on Migration and Displacement next week in Addis Ababa.

This year's  IGAD scientific conference is expected to address migration and displacement in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The conference will bring together researchers, policy makers, practitioners, and international institutions to share their experience, knowledge and give policy recommendations on how IGAD and its Member States can more effectively protect vulnerable groups.

Furthermore, increasing the resilience of migrants, refugees, displaced persons and host communities to better mitigate the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic among others are also aims of the conference. 

To serve as a deliberative platform for scientific dialogue and bring policy makers, academia, civil societies, media experts and related stakeholders together to foster a collaborative dialogue on migration as well as to present scientific research on new and emerging issues of migration and displacement in the context of COVID-19, is one of the main objectives of the conference.

It also aims at conducting and presenting scientific solutions for filling the policy-implementation gap and informing policy making based on evidence.

The conference is organized in collaboration with Deutsche Gesellschaft für International Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM), according to IGAD.

Ethiopian News Agency