Nation Marks the 84th Anniversary of Martyrs’ Day


Addis Ababa February 19/2021 (ENA)Ethiopia commemorated the 84th anniversary of Martyrs’ Day early morning today at Martyrs’ Monument here in Addis Ababa.

On 12th of Yekatit 1930 (February 19, 1937), Italian Fascist forces cold-bloodedly massacred more than 30,000 civilians in a three days rampage in Addis Ababa.

The day was colorfully marked by laying wreath at the Yekatit 12 Martyrs’ Monument erected in the capital in honor of the martyrs.

Officials of the city administration, Members of the Ethiopian Patriots’ Association and residents of Addis Ababa city have attended the commemorative event.

During the occasion, City Administration Deputy Mayor, Adanech Abebie and President of the Ethiopian Patriots AssociationLij Daniel Jote Mesfin laid flower wreath on the memorial monument.

The massacre occurred in vengeance to an assassination attempt by Ethiopian patriots Abreham Doboch and Moges Asgedom, on the Viceroy of Italian in East Africa, Rodolfo Graziani.

Ethiopian News Agency