Nation Earns 7 Billion Birr from Electric Export in Six Months

Addis Ababa February 5/2021 (ENA) Ministry of Water, Energy and Irrigation said 7 billion Birr was generated from electric power export and used equipment during the past six months of the Ethiopian budget year.

Briefing the media today, Water, Energy and Irrigation Minister Silesh Bekele said the revenue was generated by exporting electric power to neighboring countries and selling some used equipment.

According to him, the ministry has also been executing 15 substitution works to generate electricity from geothermal power, solar power and dams, including the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD). 

With respect to water, he stated that the ministry has managed to provide clean water for 1.4 million people across the country during the past 6 months.

The ministry has also executed 13 projects that irrigate a total of 137,000 hectares of land  during the same period in the fiscal year.

He further noted that the ministry has been working jointly with Ministry of Agriculture to develop wheat through irrigation in order to substitute billions of Birr worth wheat import every year.

As part of the six month performance, Silesh reported that the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam ( GERD ) has reached 78.3 percent.

This is a rapid increase in the construction of the Renaissance Dam, and 91 percent of the civil works have been completed, he pointed out.

Of the total 13 power generating turbines, two will start production this coming rainy season.

Ethiopian News Agency