PM Abiy Commends Irrigation dev’t Activities in Oromia

Addis Ababa January 30/2021( ENA) Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has commended the irrigation development activities being undertaken in Oromia region.

The premier today visited wheat irrigation development schemes being carried out in the outskirt of Addis Ababa.

“Great work undertaken so far in Oromia region to grow 130,000 hectares of summer wheat through irrigation,” PM abiy wrote on face-book.

This current progress of a total 300,000 hectares planned, greatly demonstrates “our import substitution aspirations and capacity” he added.

Ministry of Agriculture announced recently that the wheat, which is being cultivated through irrigation this Ethiopian year, will reduce the import of wheat by more than half.

Ethiopia has been importing 17 million quintals of wheat in a year.

The harvest expected from 300,000 hectares of land this year would help produce 10 million quintals, it was learned.

Ethiopian News Agency