Dorale Multi-Purpose Port Livestock Terminal Inaugurate

Addis Ababa January 16/2021 (ENA) Ethiopia and Djibouti have inaugurated a new Dorale Multi-Purpose Port livestock terminal today.

The terminal was inaugurated by Agriculture Minister Oumer Hussein and Djibouti's Transport  Minister Moussa Mohamed Ahmed, according to Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

At the inauguration ceremony, Agriculture Minister Oumer said the terminal will have huge benefit in propping up Ethiopia’s livestock export.

Noting that Ethiopia has one of the largest livestock population in Africa with diverse and adaptable genotypes, he said, the sector “has remained stagnant due to lack of livestock market structure, illegal live animal trade, poor handling of animal transportation from source to destinations, and some other reasons.”

The minister added that the government is now aware of the potential of the livestock industry  to reduce poverty, promote food security, increase high-value exports, earn foreign exchange.

According to Oumer, the resting area for the livestock would lessen the challenges the country is facing in ensuring safe and timely delivery as well as direct export without the need to pass another certification in Djibouti.

He thanked the Government of Djibouti, particularly the authorities of DMP for demonstrating their commitments and translating it into action in such a way that the Ethio-Djibouti relations could meaningfully take an upward trajectory.

As Ethiopia plans to import huge tones of fertilizer, discussions were also held on the need to scale up endeavors and work in a concerted manner to ensure the timely transport of bulk cargo, it was learned.

Ethiopia is set to import 1.8 millions metric tons of fertilizers this Ethiopian fiscal year.

Ethiopian News Agency