Ethiopian Agriculture Minister in Djibouti for Official Visit

Addis Ababa January 16/2020 (ENA) A delegation led by Agriculture Minister Oumer Hussein arrived in Djibouti yesterday evening for a three-day official visit.

The minister is expected to hold discussions with his Djiboutian counterpart and authorities from Djibouti Ports.

According to a press release of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, since the government of Ethiopia plans to import a much higher volume of fertilizer than the previous years and ensure its timely delivery to farmers, issues such as the need to further hone joint endeavors to fast track the bulk of cargo operation will be tabled for discussion.

In a bid to lessen some of the challenges Ethiopia is facing in ensuring safe and timely delivery as well as a direct export system of livestock to various destinations, particularly to the Middle East, a modern resting area was built at the Dorale Multipurpose Port, it was learned.

Oumer is expected to make opening remark at the inauguration ceremony of the port.

Ethiopian News Agency