Investment Commission Inaugurates FDI Tracking Tool

Addis Ababa January 13/2021 (ENA) Ethiopian Investment Commission has inaugurated a web based platform called Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)Tracking tool that would provide all-round information including FDI inflows in the country.

The commission developed the platform in collaboration with the Partnership for Investment and Growth in Africa (PIGA) project, Part of Manufacturing Africa (MA), a flagship program of UK foreign, commonwealth and development office.

The tracking tool will enable the commission to mitigate poor access to quality investment data challenges and step closer to becoming a modern and digital driven institution among other functionalities.

The  tool  will further help track investment performance along key indicators, store information on actual investment inflows and enable analysis and reporting of investment data in any desired format, according to the commission.

Ethiopian Investment Commission Officials, collaborative partners including International trade Center, UK aid, PIGA and other invited guests attended the webinar held to inaugurate the tracking tool.

Ethiopian News Agency