Trade, Industry Council Draft Law Vital to Advance Private Sector Role in Economy

Addis Ababa January 4/2021 Revision of laws and building a strong structure for the business community in Ethiopia is crucial for advancement of the private sector’s role to the national economy, Ministry of Trade and Industry State Minister said.

Some 12 regional council members and 6 associations of Ethiopian Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Association (ECCSA) held a consultative meeting today to enrich the draft proclamation developed  to substitute  Chamber of Commerce and Sectorial Association proclamation.

 Trade and Industry State Minister Eshete Asfaw said on the occasion that the revision of law and strong structure that complies with current dynamics of the country is vital to increase the role of the private sector in the economic activities of the country.

Countries with strong chambers’ structure have modern trade, improved competitiveness, enhanced industrialization and investment, Eshete noted.

The draft proclamation has focused on manufacturing and industry, he added.  

The draft proclamation dubbed 'Trade and Industry Councils' is expected to replace the existing  'Ethiopian Chamber of Commerce and Sectorial Association' after approval, it was learned.

President of Ethiopian Chamber of Commerce and Sectorial Association, Melaku Ezez on his part said the draft proclamation corrects limitations of the association, mainly in terms of the membership and structure issues.

As the counsels and associations are organized by a proclamation approved by government body, membership should be a responsibility rather than a right to increase membership, income source and deliver sufficient and effective service, Melaku stated.

According to the president, the proclamation in effect has created Chamber of Commerce and Sectorial Assossation and Chamber of Sectorial Association that both have their own members and structure in all levels of administration, which is a structural problem.

“This kind of structure is much dispersed, makes it difficult to amplify the voice of the private sector and exposes to unnecessary expenses,” the president stressed.

Independent and strong chambers are believed to play significant role in promoting trade, industry and investment.

Ethiopian News Agency