Elders Vow to Support Law Enforcement Operation in Metekel

Addis Ababa January 4/2021 (ENA) Elders in Metekel Zone of Benishangul-Gumuz Regional State expressed readiness to provide the necessary support to the government in its law enforcement operation in Metekel Zone aimed at hunting down the criminals and bring them to justice.

The elders drawn from different parts of the zone made the remark during a discussion they held with the joint task force set up by the federal government.

During the occasion, the elders said that Metekel zone is home to several nations, nationalities and peoples’ of Ethiopia that have been living together with respect and harmony.  

However, the recent attack committed on innocent people in Metekel is against the values of the people in the area, the elders pointed out expressing their deep grief over the incident.

The attack was orchestrated by organized bandits that don’t represent the people of Gumuz, the elders added.

This illegal group had also harmed some members of the elders and mothers who were trying to resolve the conflict in a peaceful manner, they said.    

According to the elders, members of the extremist TPLF clique who are engaged in agricultural investments in the area had been organizing the youth and providing them with training in a bid to engage them for destructive activities.   

There are also members of the leadership in the region who knew this and did nothing about it, they said and called on the government to take a swift legal action on individuals who didn’t properly fulfill their responsibilities.    

The elders have also stressed the need to give priority to restore peace and stability in the region by bringing the individuals involved in the crime to justice.

In this regard, the elders reiterated readiness to support the ongoing law enforcement efforts in the zone.

Head of the law and security enforcement operation in the area, Lieutenant General Asrat Denero, affirmed that measures being taken against members of the leadership, who failed to properly fulfill their responsibilities, will be intensified.

The problem in the zone is not beyond the control of the government, he said, adding that efforts are underway to identify members of the criminal mob who have been hiding inside the community.

Lieutenant General Asrat has lauded the elders for their commitment to support the government in its efforts to ensure peace and security in the region.

He also called on the elders to continue with their key role in bringing a lasting peace and security in the area.

It is to be recalled that a national task force established by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed had taken over the law enforcement operations in Metekel Zone.  

Ethiopian News Agency