Planning, Development Commissioner Confers with World Bank Head for East Africa - ENA English
Planning, Development Commissioner Confers with World Bank Head for East Africa

Addis Ababa, December 17/2020( ENA) Planning and Development Commission Commissioner, Fitsum Assefa, today held talks with World Bank's Head of East Africa, Ousmane Dione about Ethiopia’s 10- year development plan and other bilateral cooperation.
During the discussion, Fitsum explained about the content of the 10-year national development plan document that recently approved by the Council of Ministers.
She also briefed the World Bank official that the plan was developed in consultation with various segments of the society including scholars and the private sector.
The plan aims at bringing quality based economic growth; increase production and competitiveness; build a green and climate resilient economy; institutional transformation; ensure fair and equitable opportunities for women and youth; and guarantee private sector led growth.
Ousmane, on his part, expressed his interest to work with the Planning and Development Commission in various fields.
The two officials have exchanged views on ways to further strengthen collaboration on poverty reduction, information and data quality improvement, monitoring and evaluation, and capacity building, according to the commission.