Attorney General Freezes Assets of 34 TPLF Affiliated Companies

Addis Ababa November 17/2020  (ENA)  The assets of 34 organizations affiliated to Tigray People's Liberation Front, which has been engaged in forcefully undermining the constitution, carrying out ethnic based killings and carrying out terrorist activities by providing finance and evading tax, have been frozen, according to the Attorney General.

The organizations have allegedly financed the terrorist group and took part in criminal corrupt practices.

The Attorney General which claims to have sufficient evidences to investigate the organizations has frozen the assets of the following companies effective today.

It said the organizations were trying to transfer and hide the assets.

The Attorney General stated that it will appoint asset manager to ensure that the frozen assets are not damaged or wasted until the Director-General of the Criminal Assets Recovery Directorate completes its inspection and restitution.

The following are the companies whose assets have been frozen.

   1. Sur Construction PLC

   2.   Guna Trading House PLC

   3.  Trans Ethiopia PLC

   4.  Mesfin Industrial Engineering PLC

   5. Selam Public Transport Share Company

   6. Mega Printing PLC


   8. EFFORT Electrical Business PLC

   9. EFFORT Design and Construction PLC

 10. Ezana Mining Development PLC

 11. Velocity Apparel Companies PLC

 12. Messebo Building Material Production PLC

 13. Saba Dimensional Stones PLC

 14. Mesfin Industrial Engineering

 15. Sheba Tannery PLC

 16.  A.P.F

 17. Meganet Corporation

 18. Express Transit Service

 19. Desalegn Catenary

 20. Sheba Tannery Factory Share

 21. Hiwot Agriculture Mechanization

 22. Hiwot Agricultural Mechanization PLC

 23. Almeda Garment Factory

 24. Mesobo Sement Factory

 25 Dedebit Savings and Credit Association

 26. Addis Pharmaceutical Production

 27. Tigray Development Private Limited Association

 28. Star Pharmaceuticals Imports  

 29   Saba Marble Share Company

 30. Adwa Flour Factory

 31 . Tikal Egri Mitkal Tigray

 32. Biruh Tesfa Plastic Private Limited Company

 33. Dessalegn Veterinary Medicine Import and Supply Private Limited Company

 34. Maichew Particle Board Factory

Ethiopian News Agency