Law Enforcement Operation in Tigray Progressing Well: PM Abiy

Addis Ababa, November 15/2020(ENA)Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said the law enforcement operation being underway in Tigray Regional State is progressing well. 

The premier wrote on his face book today that “our campaign in Tigray Region to uphold rule of law is progressing well. Justice will prevail and Ethiopia will prevail.”

He added that by advancing rule of law and holding accountable those that have been looting and destabilizing Ethiopia, "we will lay the foundation for lasting peace and harmony."

Events of the last few days have especially shown the true color of the clique within TPLF, he noted.

According to Abiy, those who are committing crimes against humanity and peace will be held accountable.

“We remain steadfast in our resolve to justice and rule of law,” he said.

Thanks to the exceptional valour and commitment of its sons and daughters, Ethiopia is more than capable of attaining the objectives of the operation by itself, Abiy underscored.

Ethiopian News Agency