Army Made a Sharp Riposte against Defiant TPLF Attack: ENDF - ENA English
Army Made a Sharp Riposte against Defiant TPLF Attack: ENDF

Addis Ababa November 2/2020 (ENA) Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF) has announced on Wednesday that it has successfully contained the attack from the defiance Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) and advanced to counteract in a bid to protect the unity of the country.
The army has been reinforcing a strong offensive attack against the defiant group which tried to assault and robs military camps in Tigray Regional State, according to a statement issued by the ENDF.
The ENDF along with the Special Forces of the Amhara Regional State has inflicted heavy losses on the traitors particularly in Kirakir, North Gondar Zone and managed to control decisive locations, the statement said.