Evolvin' Women Dubai, Ethiopian Female Entrepreneurs Sign MoU

Addis Ababa October 30/2020 (ENA) The Ethiopia-based Center for Accelerated Women’s Economic Empowerment (CAWEE) and the Dubai–based Evolvin' Women virtually signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).

UAE Embassy and Dubai Chamber of Commerce in Addis Ababa witnessed the virtual signing of the MoU on 28 October, 2020.

Through the signed MoU, the program will see the training and development of emerging female entrepreneurs who will be identified with the support of CAWEE, according to the statement from the embassy.

Evolvin’ Women will work with the entrepreneurs to help accelerate their business development and offer them an array of business support, including training, services and resources to facilitate their financial success and freestanding, it was stated.

The press release quoted Nigist Haile, Founder and Executive Director of CAWEE as saying: “We are proud to partner with organizations like Evolvin' Women and Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry, to provide the female entrepreneurs with the best training and support they need.”

Evolvin' Women Founder, Assia Riccio said: “We are very pleased to have partnered with CAWEE, a pioneer trade promotion organization operating in Ethiopia to provide the capacity building support needed to female entrepreneurs, with the immense support of the Dubai Chamber of Commerce of Industry.”

The release added that the UAE Embassy in Addis Ababa, in collaboration with Dubai Chamber of Commerce International Office – Ethiopia, has been on the forefront in supporting women entrepreneurs in Ethiopia in the last two years.

Ethiopian News Agency