Ethiopian Diaspora Contribute over 280,000 USD for Dine for Nation Project

Addis Ababa October 23/2020 (ENA) The contribution of the Ethiopian Diaspora for the "Dine for the Nation Project" has reached 283,378 USD, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed wrote on his Facebook page.

The premier appreciated the active participation of Ethiopians residing abroad and foreigners of Ethiopian origin.

As the reason for their contribution is way bigger than the amount they contributed, 10 of the lucky Ethiopian Diaspora selected by lot would be invited to the Dine for the Nation Program to be held at the end of November with their full expenses covered.

“Dine for the Nation” fundraising program was launched by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed  in August with the view to mobilizing 3 billion Birr funds in two months for three projects – in Gorgora, Wonchi and Koysha, which are located in Amhara, Oromia and Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Regional States respectively.

Abiy said on Tuesday that the fundraising is proceeding according to plan.

Ethiopian News Agency