Koyesha Expected to Catch World Tourist Attention, Says Project Coordinator

Addis Ababa October 17/2020 (ENA) Koyesha, one of the newly introduced tourist destination projects situated in the green hills of Southern Ethiopia, is expected to catch the attention of more tourists across the world, as it is endowed with immense natural gifts, said Design Coordinator.

Koysha is one of the new tourist destination development projects in the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples’ Region along with Gorgora and Wonchi located in Amhara and Oromia regional states, respectively.

Koysha which is also the biggest of all the three projects in terms of size, content and diversity which is full of attractions with rich natural, artificial and historical resources, Project Design Coordinator, Abebelign Mekuria told ENA.

“Its proximity to the Koysha and Gibe III hydropower plants as well as the Chebera Churchura National Park, which is three times wider than the capital Addis Ababa, will make the project one of the world’s best tourist attractions,” he added.  

According to him, the area is endowed with huge natural tourism attractions with various animal species, water resources, and all sorts of topographies, forest species and forestry.

Natural resources, adventures, health tourism, cultural museum and research institute are expected to be developed within the project, Abebelign said.  

For Abebelign, the project is unique as it reminds the past history, shows the present developments in the area and indicates future development perspective of the country.

The capital investment and time duration to complete Koysha tourist site development is yet to be assessed, according to the coordinator.

Water, Irrigation and Energy Minister, Sileshi Bekele, on his part told ENA that the Koysha tourist site will be powered with electric supply and a road infrastructure, as well as provides hotel and bank services.

According to him, the water to be released from the Koysha hydropower dam reservoirs will be a source of great attraction for domestic and foreign tourists.

Tourists are expected to enjoy with the wild animals such as lions, buffaloes and elephants, Sileshi pointed out.

Hence, up on completion, these unique features of the project would make Ethiopia one of world’s  preferred tourist destinations, he stated.

Ethiopia up on the initiative made by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, has embarked on the development of new tourist destinations since the past one year.

The nation recently inaugurated three projects in the capital and currently is working to commence Koysha, Gorgora, and Wonchi.

In order to mobilize resources to the projects a fundraising campaign has been introduced by the Prime minister dubbed ‘Dine for Ethiopia’.

The campaign aims at raising 3 billion Birr for development of the three projects including Koysha.  

Ethiopian News Agency