Ethio-Japan Economic Cooperation Being Strengthened: Ambassador Daisuke

Addis Ababa September 25/2020(ENA) The long-standing relationship between Ethiopia and Japan is progressing in a wide range of issues, especially with regard to economic cooperation, Japan's Ambassador to Ethiopia said.

Ambassador Matsunaga Daisuke told ENA that the economic cooperation and bilateral relations between Japan and Ethiopia have been  growing from time to time.

Ethiopia and Japan have spent 90 years of diplomatic relation, and it is now getting stronger especially on the economic front, he added.

The trade exchange between the countries has shown positive progress on the coffee sub-sector, according to the ambassador.

“We have concluded Japanese coffee supply chain; and one of our companies imported coffee at the highest price ever recorded. In fact, my home back in Japan is very close to that coffee shop. So we are very keen to import Ethiopian products.”  

The ambassador stated that Japanese companies are also investing in Ethiopia’s hi-tech industry that is flourishing and growing.

“Also in the very advanced area, the motorcycle company Honda is now taking orders from Ethiopian venture capital that is developing a software. You might have heard about the taxi service called Uber. Honda is considering to develop motorcycle Uber type of taxi service and  to develop the software it ordered the creation of the software from an Ethiopia startup company,” he explained.

Ambassador Daisuke said Japanese companies are very much interested in investing and helping the hi-tech industry to grow up and evolve in this country.

“There are lots of resourceful young people here, and we want to encourage and nurture those people,” he added.

According to him, Japan has recently concluded food assistance agreement to provide support to disadvantaged people negatively impacted by COVID-19 pandemic, flood and desert locust.

The food assistance “covers poor people, particularly in rural areas. Over 70 metric tons of wheat will be provided for people suffering from food shortage through World Food Program.”

The 30-million-USD project is intended to fulfill the essential food needs of the most vulnerable people in Ethiopia by providing over 72,000 metric tons of wheat to 1.6 million people who suffer from desert locust, drought, flood, and COVID-19.

“So, we are doing a lot of good things together,” the ambassador underlined.

Daisuke added that Japan is also providing Ethiopia with medical equipment, particularly to support the country’s fight against COVID-19 pandemic.

“This medical assistance includes cardiology equipment, respirators, and generators. We are providing the medical appliances in consultation with the ministries of Health and Finance,” he further added.

Ethiopia and Japan established diplomatic relations after the signing of Treaty of Amity and Commerce in 1930.

Ethiopian News Agency