GERD Not Security Issue to Countries, But Dev't Project: MoFA

Addis Ababa September 25/2020(ENA) The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam could not be the security concern of any country rather a development project that enhances regional cooperation and economic benefits, Ministry of Foreign Affairs ( MoFA) Spokesperson said.

Spokesperson Dina Mufti told journalists today that Ethiopia wants to resume talks on GERD with Sudan and Egypt at anytime.

“GERD couldn’t be a security concern rather a development issue,” he said, adding that “we want Sudan and Ethiopia to comeback to the negotiation table when they are ready to resume talks.”

Ethiopia believes in give-and-take principle, and wants the issue of  GERD to be resolved  peacefully, he emphasized.

He pointed out that Ethiopia has no interest to hurt others; and it particularly sees the people of Egypt and Sudan as their own people.

Ambassador Dina further stated that the ministry is working hard to repatriate COVID-19 vulnerable migrant Ethiopians from the Middle East.

“We are working in collaboration with the International Organization for Migration and governments of the respective countries to bring back our citizens home,” he noted.

The Spokesperson  revealed that FM Gedu Andargachew had telephone conversation with IOM Director-General António Manuel in which he extended his gratitude for their support to Ethiopians returnees from the Middle East and hoped that the support would continue.

The minister urged IOM to reconsider its decision to relocate its International Organization for Migration Special Liaison Office from Addis Ababa as it would be suitable for the overall operation of IOM and most IOM partners have offices in Ethiopia.

According to the spokesperson, António Manuel has affirmed that IOM will reconsider the decision to relocate its liaison office.

Regarding the reopening of borders, he said Ethiopia would open its borders considering security, COVID-19, and other issues.

Ethiopian News Agency