Abiy Donates over 110 Million Birr Proceeds of Book for Building Schools

Addis Ababa, August 7/2020( ENA) Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed handed over 110,671,025 Birr cheque of the proceeds of his book for the construction of schools today. 

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed handed over the cheque to First Lady Zinash Tayachew for the construction of schools in rural parts of the country where communities are experiencing  challenge in access to education.

In his remarks during the hand-over ceremony, Abiy said "we are not only making promises but also delivering accordingly. I thus feel extremely happy to meet the promise."

The First Lady's Office has raised funds from donors and built 20 schools in all regions of the country. Some of the schools that have been built have already started providing services, it was learned.

In this regard, using its experience, the office will use the fund obtained from the sale of the book to build additional schools in the country.

The 20 schools built by the Office of the First Lady thus far will go operational next academic year.

The book authored by the premier, Medemer, advocates fresh Ethiopian-centric approach to the country’s politics, citing the past half-century when previous administrations applied unsuccessful ideologies and theories from outside of Ethiopia that failed for being alien to Ethiopian problems and realities.

The 280-page book articulates the economics, politics and foreign relations road map the country will follow. It was reported that the proceeds of the book will go to building schools in rural parts of Ethiopia.

Ethiopian News Agency