Court Allows 13 Additional Days for Police to Investigate Jawar Mohammed

Addis Ababa July 16/2020 Lideta Federal First Instance Court has given the police 13 additional days for investigating the alleged criminal Jawar Mohammed .

A federal police crime investigation team presented the investigation it carried out during the past 14 days today.

Police claimed that the suspect was involved mainly in inciting ethnic and religious conflicts.

Besides, he led an armed group that snatched the corpse of the popular singer Hachalu Hundessa from the family forcefully to take it to the office of Oromia Prosperity Party.

At the premises of Oromia Prosperity Party one police was killed and three injured following the order given by Jawar Mohammed.   

The police also said that it has collected telephone exchanges and witnesses which prove that he was behind the chaos inciting different quarters to rise up and attack.

The police further explained that he had incited violence around Addis Ababa and in some parts of Oromia in which 181 people died; and the group led by him was apprehended with weapons, all of them illegal.

Police stated that 14 investigation teams are formed to enhance the investigation and asked for additional days.

The suspect on his part dismissed the charges by describing it as a “drama”.

He explained to the court that there was no gun fire and nobody was killed.

In a related development nine suspects and "collaboraters of Jawar" were brought to court and police also asked additional time for investigation.

The court allowed 13 additional days for the police to investigate the cases.

Also, the court rejected the request for 14 additional days to investigate Bekele Gerba and gave police 11 days.

Ethiopian News Agency