PM Abiy Calls for Strengthened African Solidarity to Mitigate COVID-19


Addis Ababa, May 25/2020( ENA) Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed called for strengthened African solidarity to win over the fight against the global COVID-19 pandemic.

Delivering his message on “Africa Day” celebrated virtually today, the Premier among others emphasized the need for African countries to stand united to flatten the curve and defeat the pandemic.

Our vibrant and diverse continent with many assets is destined for multidimensional prosperity, Abiy stated on his official Facebook page, and noted “as we celebrate Africa Day today, let us strengthen our solidarity for the Africa we want.”

Meanwhile, aimed at strengthening the continental response to COVID-19 the African Union (AU) has established AU COVID-19 Response Fund and plans to collect 1 million USD.

A statement issued by AU stated urged all Africans, people of African descent and friends of Africa to fund.

The money raised under the Fund will be used to mitigate the social, economic and humanitarian impact of COVID-19 in all African countries.

Africa Day is the annual commemoration of the foundation of the Organization of African Unity on 25 May 1963

Ethiopian News Agency