Gov’t Prioritizes to Ensure National Sovereignty, Public Security: Officials


Addis ababa, May 5/2020(ENA) The assertion of national sovereignty and public security is a “top priority of the government” amid of COVID-19 Pandemic, senior government officials said.

The officials emphasized that it is inappropriate to proffer the national interest and the survival of the people to foreign power for political gain,” they underscored.

Press Secretary in the Office of the Prime Minister, Nigussu Tilahun, State Minister for Prime Minister’s Office of Democratic System Building Centre, Zadig Abraha and State Minister of Finance Eyob Tekalegn held discussions with ENA on current national issues including the containment COVID-19 pandemic.  

Currently, the government of Ethiopia is taking steps to ensure national sovereignty and the health situation of the people on the top of completing the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), the officials underlined.

Press Secretary of the Office of the Prime Minister, Nigussu Tilahun stated that the government is working to secure the well-being of the people by containing the spread of coronavirus pandemic, which shows notable achievement in this regard.

Putting across the intensified preventative measures taken by the government, Nigussu said “our agenda is to save the people”.

Concerning the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, the Press Secretary noted that the construction of GERD is well underway and the filling to starts during the rainy season, which is supportive to alleviate the nation from poverty.  

At present exercising different political views and beliefs are “healthy as thought”, however, he said they should not go beyond ideas and harm the very interest of the nation and the people.

“The people of Ethiopia are tired of disruptions and conflicts, and this is not the time to accept that initiative,” he pointed out, stressing the government would respond to problems that threaten the welfare of the people and national sovereignty.

State Minister for Prime Minister’s Office of Democratic System Building Centre, Zadig Abraha said even before elections public safety and national sovereignty should come first.

National elections are helpful instruments for democratic culture stimulation, but what is imperative is national sovereignty and public safety, he added.

Finance State Minister, Eyob Tekalegn on his part said that successful efforts have been made to avert the socio-economic impacts of coronavirus in Ethiopia.

He stated the measurements taken by the government including tax relief and cancelation to ensure the livelihood of the people and economy of the country to remain steady.

Despite strong preventative measures taken by the government to halt the spread of COVID-19, the officials call for strict vigilance of all parties in a bid to mitigate the pandemic.

Ethiopian News Agency