Corporation Working to Distribute over 100,000 Quintals of Improved Seeds

Addis ababa, April 23/2020( ENA) Ethiopian Agricultural Businesses Corporation (EABC) said it has been working to distribute over 100,000 quintals of improved seeds before the upcoming main agricultural season.

Although less than 40,000 quintals have been distributed so far, the corporation would  distribute over 100,000 quintals as it has the necessary logistics to deliver them to farmers early June, EABC Improved  Seeds and Forest Products Supply Executive Officer, Feleke Gezahagn said.

The Executive Officer added that private and public improved seed enterprises as well as other number of actors have been jointly working for the effective distribution of the seeds this agricultural season.

EABC has been working aggressively in addressing the issue of seeds to cultivate enhanced food  crops in Meher, the main harvest season since seeds are important inputs for agricultural productivity.

According to Feleke, “the distribution of improved seeds is well underway and is expected to be generally favorable with a positive impact on yields.”

Since farmers in all part of the country are going to start cultivating maize in early May, Ethiopian Agricultural Businesses Corporation has distributed 17,000 quintals of improved maize, the executive officer stated.

He added that improved wheat and other seeds will be fully distributed to framers in the first week of June, 2020.

As COVID-19 has become a pressing global issue and could have a prolonged food security challenges, the corporation has also plans to produce 270,000 quintals of improved seeds for the 2020/21 agricultural season.

Ethiopian News Agency