Ethiopia, Qatar Sign 18ml USD Grant Agreement


Addis Ababa, March 18/2020 (ENA) Ethiopia and Qatar have signed today an 18 million USD (570 million birr) grant agreement for the construction of Kidney Treatment Center in Addis Ababa. 

The grant agreement was signed between State Minister of Finance, Admasu Nebebe and Director-General of Qatar Fund for Development (QFFD), Khalifa bin Jassem Al-Kuwari, representing the Government of Qatar.

The fund will be used for the construction and furnishing of a Specialized Kidney Care Center in Addis Ababa, which will provide services to patients with conditions that may lead to kidney failure and those with kidney failure.

The hospital will have a 6-floor building with a total built-up area of 6337 square meter with 77 inpatient beds, one Intensive Care Unit (ICU) with a capacity of beds and four operating rooms, ten outpatient consultation rooms, as well as six hemo-dialysis stations.

Upon completion, the Specialized Hospital will substantially alleviate shortage of dialysis service in the country and improving the quality of care for citizens, it was indicated.

Ethiopian News Agency