Ethio Telecom Launches LTE Advanced Mobile

ENA,February 3/2020 Ethio Telecom announced today that it has launched state-of-the-art LTE Advanced mobile internet service.

The company added that it has also expanded the existing limited 4G LTE network coverage throughout Addis Ababa, and has been assessing demand for the service in regional cities.

LTE Advanced mobile internet service provides reliable connection enriching customers experience with exceptional speed to download or upload large-size data, high-definition multimedia, live streaming, and real-time video conferencing, it was learned.

Huwawei delivered the service, which cost 173 million birr and fully covered by the government, to the company, Ethio Telecom CEO Frehiwot Tamiru said.

According to her, the internet usage traffic has increased by 82 percent from the past six months, and after tariff adjustment by 169 percent.

LTE Advanced is currently available around Bole Airport, Bole Friendship, Bole Medhanialem, Bole Atlas, Meskel Square, Stadium, Ethio telecom Headquarters, Kazanchis, 4 Killo (Unity Park), 6 Killo, Lideta (ECX), African Union and Old Airport based on the high level of internet usage trend.

Customers who  want to use LTE Advanced mobile internet service can get further information related to existing devises and SIM card by visiting the nearby Ethio Telecom shops or

Ethiopian News Agency