Deputy Premier Says Ethiopia Working for Continental Economic Integration

Addis  Ababa, January 23/2020 (ENA) Ethiopia will continue exerting efforts to create a strong continent-wide economic integration in order to ensure peace and stability in Africa, Deputy Prime Minister Demeke Mekonnen said.

He made the remark at a roundtable discussion held by African leaders under the theme “Peace Building of Africa” at Davos, Switzerland.

During the discussion, the deputy premier stated that “Ethiopia will continue its efforts to create a strong economic integration and ensure sustainable peace and stability in continent.”

Furthermore, Demeke reaffirmed that Ethiopia will maintain peaceful atmosphere and stable economic relations among East African countries that have registered promising results.

The country has strong commitment to overcome obstacles that faced its ongoing reforms and to secure peace, the deputy prime minister noted.

At the discussion, the leaders also emphasized the need for ensuring peace and stability and economic integration the continent requires.

The peace created between Ethiopia and Eritrea and its results in building stable region was presented as good experience during the discussion.

The leaders have agreed that other African countries should also learn from Ethiopia’s experience and stressed the need to work.

Ethiopian News Agency