Afar Region Launches Project to Improve Livelihood of Half Million Pastoralists

Ena January 11/2019 A six-year sustainable pastoralist livelihood improvement project that improves the lives of more than 500,000 pastoralists was officially launched yesterday.

The project is part of the national project that will be executed in 6 regional states with 451 million US dollars to benefit 2.5 million pastoralists.

Speaking at the launching ceremony held in Semera city, Peace Ministry Advisor Kaydaki Gezehagn said the project will improve the lives of more than 500,000 pastoralists in Afar Regional State alone.

Some 20 percent of the total number of pastoralists embraced by the project live in the region.

Kaydaki added that the project which will be implemented in 20 woredas of the regional state will reduce the vulnerability of the pastoralists and focus on development through building their economic power.   

Afar Regional State Chief Administrator, Awol Arba said on his part the project will play a vital role in supporting the efforts to get out of the vicious cyclical recurrent droughts and flooding situations.

The chief administrator also urged leaders at all levels and stakeholders to discharge their responsibilities in sustainably withstanding drought and building social and economic development infrastructures.

This new project replaces the 15-year pastoralist community development project.

Ethiopian News Agency