Small Holder Farmers Increase Productivity by 4.3%: CSA Survey

Ena January 9/2019 Central Statistical Agency (CSA), based on the preliminary survey it conducted recently, reported a 4.3 percent crop increase by small private holding farmers over the last Ethiopian harvest year.

Briefing journalists today,  Central Statistical Agency Director-General Biratu Yigezu said the preliminary survey shows 13.7 million quintal of crop increase, which is 4.3 percent increment from that of last year.

The small private holding farmers are expected to collect a total of 329, 281,367 quintal of crops this harvesting season.  

The  nationwide survey is conducted on 56,300 family units of small private holding farmers in 2,815 selected areas of the country, the director-general added.

The survey focused on only main crops and does not include small and large-scale commercial farmers. “Belg” season crops and crops cultivated through irrigation are not also included in the study.

He pointed out that the total farm land area covered with main crops by the small private holding farmers is estimated to about 12,773,912 hectares.

The main crops included in the study are cereals, grains, and oilseeds.

Ethiopian News Agency