Xinjiang Education Centers Respect Trainees' Right to Use Ethnic Languages


November 21/2019 The education and training centers in Xinjiang respect the trainees' rights to use their own ethnic languages when offering standard courses, Xinhua reported.
These centers are education and training institutions in nature, said the white paper titled Vocational Education and Training in Xinjiang.

To meet the needs of fighting terrorism and extremism, these centers deliver a curriculum that includes standard spoken and written Chinese, understanding of the law, vocational skills, and de-radicalization, the document said.

To remedy their lack of proficiency in standard Chinese, tailored language programs are provided to trainees, it said.

Improving the trainees' command of standard Chinese helps them to learn about science and technology, and acquire vocational skills, seek work in other locations, it said.

It also helps adapt better to life in modern society, subject to the condition that their right to use their own ethnic languages is respected.

There is no intention to deprive or limit the trainees' right to use and develop their own ethnic languages, it said.

Ethiopian News Agency