Training for CSO Referendum Observers Kicks off


Ena November 17/2019 The Ethiopian Civil Society Organization (CSO) Observer for Sidama Referendum is receiving training on the standard of referendum in the city of Hawassa.

Group Leader of CSO Observers for Sidama Referendum, Bilen Asrat said some 150 observers are participated on the two day training who have shown interest to observe the referendum.

She added that they are drawn from all regions of the country including Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa City administrations.

The training which started today focused on referendum, requirements and standards need to be fulfilled in relation to the constitution, electoral and new political parties proclamation as well as international law.

According to Bilen, the observer will be deployed to selected polling stations as stationed and mobile observer.

The deployment will be made based on gender parity and their organization, it was learned.

Ethiopian News Agency