Germany Keen to Support Ethiopia’s Natural Resource Dev’t amidst Growing Climate Concerns

Addis Ababa ENA October 11/2019 Germany is dedicated to shore up Ethiopia’s effort in preserving and developing its natural resources in the advent of concerns over climate change, Food and Agriculture Julia Klöckner said.

The Minister with more than 20 high-level German delegates, including scientists, research ambassadors and anchor private sectors, visited today Holeta Agricultural Research Center in the vicinity of Addis Ababa.

After the field visit, the minister told ENA that “Germany and Africa, especially Ethiopia are working together in a strong manner,” including under the G20 Compact with Africa (CwA) initiative to promote private investment in Africa.

She stated that “We want to support Africa and Ethiopia, Ethiopia is really an important country because of the gene bank and other natural resources so we want to support it.”

The minister further said that her country is keen to support Ethiopian farmers to have good harvest as an alternative for rain-fed farming amidst of climate change concerns.     

Germany extends financial and materials support for agricultural development in Ethiopia on the top of sharing knowledge and technological experience.

Director-General of Holeta Agricultural Research Center, Mussa Jarso said Germany has been working to modernize Ethiopia’s agricultural research to transform the sector.  

The delegation is expected to visit Ethiopian Biodiversity Institute (EBI) this afternoon.

Ethiopian News Agency