Ethiopia Gives Priority to Enhance National Capacity in AI
Jul 26, 2024 186
Addis Ababa, July 26/2024(ENA)-A strategy and operational planning documents have been prepared to implement Ethiopia’s national artificial intelligence policy, National Artificial Intelligence Institute remarked. Artificial Intelligence is currently being utilized in several economic, social and security areas in countries across the world. Ethiopia has accomplished various tasks particularly after the reform in utilizing AI technologies for social, economic, security and political purposes by establishing institution tasked with developing the sector. So far various activities have been conducted to make the country competitive in the sector. On its 37 Regular Session conducted this Ethiopia year, the Council of Ministers has passed a resolution to implement the National AI Policy which was developed during the course of the reform program in the country. Executive Director of the National Institute of AI, Worku Gachena told ENA that it took two years to prepare the policy document. He added that the government has prepared the policy document for AI by benchmarking the experience of other countries and by engaging pertinent professionals in the sector to effectively fulfil its goals of preparing the policy document. The Executive Director noted that many countries do not have such policy at their disposal and remarked that this shows the extent to which the government has prioritized activities to be accomplished in the sector. He said the policy provides an opportunity for all Ethiopians at overseas who wish to engage in the sector and develop personal and national capacity by operating in the sector.    
African Countries Seeking Platform that Addressees Biased, Skewed Global Tax System
Jul 26, 2024 160
Addis Ababa, July 26/2024 (ENA) African countries are seeking a platform that can address the “biased and the skewed nature of the current global tax system” which has been benefiting richer capital exporting countries, Tax Justice Network Africa (TJNA) Executive Director Chenai Mukumba said. Speaking to ENA on the sidelines of the first Preparatory Committee Conference for the Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development, the executive director noted that the challenges of the African tax systems are broad and diverse. For example, there is a need for Africa to address a number of national level concerns. But if we don't tackle unlimited the amount of revenue we are able to raise domestically, we will face a problem. There are, however, issues that African countries need to promote and advocate at the international level at the same time to support the domestic efforts to raise resources, she added. The main focus of the discussions during the Financing for Development Conference was the international economic governance that we are really pushing in order to promote the reform of the global tax system.   “Essentially, what African countries are saying is that we need a platform that is inclusive, that is democratic, and that understands our context and our constraints; and also a platform that can address currently the bias and the skewed nature of the current global tax system that's benefiting richer capital exporting countries.” On the other hand, African countries have some of the lowest tax to GDP ratios in the world, lower than any other region, the executive director stated. “That’s due to some domestic issues, but it's also due to a number of international issues. Now at the international level, there's a push by African countries to see if we can move the platform where we talk about global rule-making from the OECD to the United Nations.” The reason for this is because the United Nations, at least all African countries, have to have a say in the discussions about the reform of the global tax system. Mukumba said if African countries have a say they can then push for a global tax system that understands the context of African countries. In 2022, the African Group tabled a proposal to begin discussion about how to enhance international tax cooperation, she said. The proposal was adopted by consensus at the UN.   The Africa Group, as much as they are really pushing for a progressive global tax system, there is a significant push back, the executive director revealed. “What we need is to see much more support for the negotiations that are happening in New York. We need to see our ministries of finance for member states and ministries of foreign affairs promoting and supporting that process.” Hence, a holistic approach is needed to address the interconnected national, international and systemic challenges for financing for development, according to Mukumba. Moreover, she stressed that the reform of the international financial architecture is essential as national development efforts need to be supported by enabling international economic environments.
Ethiopia Endowed with Immense Potential for Blue Economy Vital for Its Development
Jul 26, 2024 192
Addis Ababa, July 26/2024(ENA) Ethiopia has immense potential for blue economy vital to expedite its development endeavors, according to Blue Economy Division Head of the AU Commission and Program Manager for Sustainable Environment Protection Program Manager of IGAD. Blue economy is economic activities that are associated with natural resources found in water bodies including oceans, rivers and lakes. Ethiopia is an African nation that is endowed with immense fresh water resources such as lakes and rivers that have enormous potentials to develop the blue economy of the country. Blue Economy Division Head at AU Commission Georgeo Asseko and IGAD Sustainable Environment Protection Program Manager, Eshete Dejen have insisted Ethiopia to fully utilize its immense potentials in blue economy. Asseko told ENA that with taking innovative and advanced technologies as well as keeping the resources from pollution and environmental degradation, Ethiopia can fully utilize and transform this potential in to economy and social development. He pointed out that tourism, energy, transport, and fishery, among others are some of the benefits that the nation would gain from blue economy. “Ethiopia is always on the way; and we are glad to say that it is one of the countries we are following. So, there is a huge potential also for Ethiopia to develop blue economy,” Asseko stated. In this regard, African Union Commission is working on creating regional economic community through building the capacity of member states to understand the concept of blue economy and to see its opportunities for sustainable development, he underscored. Reiterating on Ethiopia’s immense potential in blue economy, IGAD Sustainable Environment Protection Program Manager, Eshete Dejen on his part said “Ethiopia has huge resource in terms of blue economy like hydropower, marine and inland transport, and tourism.”   Fishery and tourist attraction sites of Lake Tana and Lake Ziway as well as the great source of hydropower generation, GERD can be best examples of the nation’s gifted blue economy. Insisting Ethiopia to fully utilize its opportunities of blue economy, IGAD stands ready in supporting Ethiopia in developing blue economy strategy, resource mobilization and capacity building. “We are supporting member states in terms of developing their strategy, resource mobilization, capacity building and knowledge sharing,” Eshete noted. He further underscored that Ethiopia’s abundant fresh water resources offer exceptional opportunities for transformative economic and social development of the country. Blue Economy is among the main strategic focus areas of Ethiopia’s ten-year economic perspective plan.
Ethiopia Gives Priority to Enhance National Capacity in AI
Jul 26, 2024 186
Addis Ababa, July 26/2024(ENA)-A strategy and operational planning documents have been prepared to implement Ethiopia’s national artificial intelligence policy, National Artificial Intelligence Institute remarked. Artificial Intelligence is currently being utilized in several economic, social and security areas in countries across the world. Ethiopia has accomplished various tasks particularly after the reform in utilizing AI technologies for social, economic, security and political purposes by establishing institution tasked with developing the sector. So far various activities have been conducted to make the country competitive in the sector. On its 37 Regular Session conducted this Ethiopia year, the Council of Ministers has passed a resolution to implement the National AI Policy which was developed during the course of the reform program in the country. Executive Director of the National Institute of AI, Worku Gachena told ENA that it took two years to prepare the policy document. He added that the government has prepared the policy document for AI by benchmarking the experience of other countries and by engaging pertinent professionals in the sector to effectively fulfil its goals of preparing the policy document. The Executive Director noted that many countries do not have such policy at their disposal and remarked that this shows the extent to which the government has prioritized activities to be accomplished in the sector. He said the policy provides an opportunity for all Ethiopians at overseas who wish to engage in the sector and develop personal and national capacity by operating in the sector.    
African Countries Seeking Platform that Addressees Biased, Skewed Global Tax System
Jul 26, 2024 160
Addis Ababa, July 26/2024 (ENA) African countries are seeking a platform that can address the “biased and the skewed nature of the current global tax system” which has been benefiting richer capital exporting countries, Tax Justice Network Africa (TJNA) Executive Director Chenai Mukumba said. Speaking to ENA on the sidelines of the first Preparatory Committee Conference for the Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development, the executive director noted that the challenges of the African tax systems are broad and diverse. For example, there is a need for Africa to address a number of national level concerns. But if we don't tackle unlimited the amount of revenue we are able to raise domestically, we will face a problem. There are, however, issues that African countries need to promote and advocate at the international level at the same time to support the domestic efforts to raise resources, she added. The main focus of the discussions during the Financing for Development Conference was the international economic governance that we are really pushing in order to promote the reform of the global tax system.   “Essentially, what African countries are saying is that we need a platform that is inclusive, that is democratic, and that understands our context and our constraints; and also a platform that can address currently the bias and the skewed nature of the current global tax system that's benefiting richer capital exporting countries.” On the other hand, African countries have some of the lowest tax to GDP ratios in the world, lower than any other region, the executive director stated. “That’s due to some domestic issues, but it's also due to a number of international issues. Now at the international level, there's a push by African countries to see if we can move the platform where we talk about global rule-making from the OECD to the United Nations.” The reason for this is because the United Nations, at least all African countries, have to have a say in the discussions about the reform of the global tax system. Mukumba said if African countries have a say they can then push for a global tax system that understands the context of African countries. In 2022, the African Group tabled a proposal to begin discussion about how to enhance international tax cooperation, she said. The proposal was adopted by consensus at the UN.   The Africa Group, as much as they are really pushing for a progressive global tax system, there is a significant push back, the executive director revealed. “What we need is to see much more support for the negotiations that are happening in New York. We need to see our ministries of finance for member states and ministries of foreign affairs promoting and supporting that process.” Hence, a holistic approach is needed to address the interconnected national, international and systemic challenges for financing for development, according to Mukumba. Moreover, she stressed that the reform of the international financial architecture is essential as national development efforts need to be supported by enabling international economic environments.
Ethiopia Endowed with Immense Potential for Blue Economy Vital for Its Development
Jul 26, 2024 192
Addis Ababa, July 26/2024(ENA) Ethiopia has immense potential for blue economy vital to expedite its development endeavors, according to Blue Economy Division Head of the AU Commission and Program Manager for Sustainable Environment Protection Program Manager of IGAD. Blue economy is economic activities that are associated with natural resources found in water bodies including oceans, rivers and lakes. Ethiopia is an African nation that is endowed with immense fresh water resources such as lakes and rivers that have enormous potentials to develop the blue economy of the country. Blue Economy Division Head at AU Commission Georgeo Asseko and IGAD Sustainable Environment Protection Program Manager, Eshete Dejen have insisted Ethiopia to fully utilize its immense potentials in blue economy. Asseko told ENA that with taking innovative and advanced technologies as well as keeping the resources from pollution and environmental degradation, Ethiopia can fully utilize and transform this potential in to economy and social development. He pointed out that tourism, energy, transport, and fishery, among others are some of the benefits that the nation would gain from blue economy. “Ethiopia is always on the way; and we are glad to say that it is one of the countries we are following. So, there is a huge potential also for Ethiopia to develop blue economy,” Asseko stated. In this regard, African Union Commission is working on creating regional economic community through building the capacity of member states to understand the concept of blue economy and to see its opportunities for sustainable development, he underscored. Reiterating on Ethiopia’s immense potential in blue economy, IGAD Sustainable Environment Protection Program Manager, Eshete Dejen on his part said “Ethiopia has huge resource in terms of blue economy like hydropower, marine and inland transport, and tourism.”   Fishery and tourist attraction sites of Lake Tana and Lake Ziway as well as the great source of hydropower generation, GERD can be best examples of the nation’s gifted blue economy. Insisting Ethiopia to fully utilize its opportunities of blue economy, IGAD stands ready in supporting Ethiopia in developing blue economy strategy, resource mobilization and capacity building. “We are supporting member states in terms of developing their strategy, resource mobilization, capacity building and knowledge sharing,” Eshete noted. He further underscored that Ethiopia’s abundant fresh water resources offer exceptional opportunities for transformative economic and social development of the country. Blue Economy is among the main strategic focus areas of Ethiopia’s ten-year economic perspective plan.
Feb 7, 2023 276938
Ethiopia Expresses Dismay Over Irresponsible Statements Made by Senior Officials of Somalia's Gov't 
Jul 26, 2024 458
Addis Ababa, July 26/2024 (ENA) Ethiopia expressed dismayed by the unwarranted and irresponsible statements made by senior officials of the government of Somalia on various occasions attempting to deny the critical role of Ethiopia in helping to rebuild the state of Somalia. In a statement released by the Office of the Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs today Ethiopia is closely following the repeated provocative statements by the Government of Somalia. Contrary to the baseless accusations of the government of Somalia, Ethiopia has rather been sacrificing in the service of peace and stability of the brotherly people of Somalia for more than three decades, Office of the Spokesperson underlined. “Ethiopia is, thus, dismayed by the unwarranted and irresponsible statements made by senior officials of the Somalia on various occasions attempting to deny the critical role of Ethiopia in helping to rebuild the state of Somalia.” Bearing in mind its strong conviction for regional interdependence, the statement said, adding that cultural ties and historical relationships cemented with blood and sweat, Ethiopia did not choose to respond to the baseless accusations of the authorities in Somalia. Ethiopia, rather, preferred the path of patience and positive engagement for the common good of our peoples, statement added. "It should be underlined that, Ethiopia is deeply concerned about the proliferation of trafficking of small arms and light weapons in the Horn of Africa," Office of the Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated. As the region is challenged by ongoing conflicts, unchecked coastal lines, as well as unsecured borders, it is imperative for countries of the region to coordinate their efforts in fighting such crimes, it said. Ethiopia reiterated its steadfastness in fighting terrorism and proliferation of illegal trafficking of small arms, light weapons and Improvised Explosive Devices. "Ethiopia will continue to stand on the side of the brotherly people of Somalia to fulfill their aspiration for sustainable peace, stability, economic development and regional cooperation," statement stressed.      
Activities Underway for Meaningful Women Participation in Nat'l Dialogue, Says Ergoge Tesfaye 
Jul 25, 2024 457
Addis Ababa July 25/2024 (ENA) Activities are being carried out to engage women for a meaningful participation in nation state building and national dialogue processes, Minister of Women and Social Affairs, Ergoge Tesfaye remarked. The minister recalled that citizens have been voicing demands for resolving the fundamental problems of the country through national dialogue process, which she said has reached decisive stage. Ergoge further said the Ministry of Women and Social Affairs has facilitated various forums in coordination with stakeholders to engage women in meaningful and wider participation on issues of nation building efforts and national dialogue processes.   The minister stated that women are the prime victims of disagreements and differences of views manifested at the national level. She lauded the National Dialogue Commission for its efforts in conducting inclusive national dialogue to foster the culture of working in close cooperation and reach national consensus. Network for Ethiopian Women’s Associations (NEWA) has been providing capacity building trainings on agenda gathering and compiling to thousands of women in 8 regional states and two city administrations, deserving appreciation, she added.   Speaking on the occasion, Chief Commissioner of the National Dialogue Professor Mesfin Araya remarked that if we all are to win, we certainly need to engage in a constructive dialogue. And we have to engage women in the consultations, he said, underscoring that women’s agenda represents the agenda of all Ethiopians.   NEWA Executive Director Saba Gebremedhin on her part indicated that the organization is working to ensure that women have proper representation at the national dialogue process and play their part.
War College Empowering Defense Force in Ethiopia's Geopolitical Interest over Red Sea, Gulf of Aden
Jul 25, 2024 650
Addis Ababa July 25/2024 (ENA) The Defense War College of Ethiopia has been empowering military leaders with the knowledge of the country’s geopolitical interest on the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, Defense War College Commander in Chief Brigadier General Bulti Tadesse told ENA. Ethiopia, with a population projected to reach 150 million by 2030, is found in a unique geopolitical position in the Horn of Africa and the nation plays a critical role in Red Sea politics, which is rooted in historical and strategic dimensions, economic imperatives, regional stability considerations and significance of the region’s geopolitical landscape. In an exclusive interview with ENA, Defense War College Commander in Chief Brigadier General Bulti Tadesse said the politics of Red Sea and Gulf of Aden is a very critical regional issue that directly and indirectly affects the national interest of Ethiopia. Therefore, the college has been organizing a lot workshops and symposiums as well as long and short term courses for military leaders on the geopolitical interest of Ethiopia over the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. Moreover, the college has been nurturing and cultivating strategic military leaders with knowledge of geopolitics of the region, he added. The commander in chief of the college explained that having knowledge of geopolitics of the region enables military leaders to understand what is going around the region, and how to maintain and ensure the national interest of Ethiopia in all national security dimensions. “There is a great security politics here and there, especially the Horn of Africa,” Brigadier General Bulti said, adding that the war college made members of the defense force understand what is going on in security matters, what Ethiopia’s national security interest is, and what principles the country follows in defense capability and national security dimensions. The college provides masters and regular diploma programs in areas of strategic leadership, national security, military professionalism, international relations, foreign policy and diplomacy, it was learned. According to Brigadier General Bulti, the college also renders training in internal and regional threat analysis, conflict resolution, military intelligence and geopolitics among other key subject matters related to defense. Furthermore, the college will work more on capacitating the defense force of the country in areas of peace and security as well as geopolitics of the region. The Defense War College of Ethiopia has been operational since October 2019 as Ethiopia’s first senior level strategic security studies and research institution.  
Finland Seeks to Heighten Bilateral Cooperation with Ethiopia
Jul 25, 2024 545
Addis Ababa, July 25/2024(ENA) Finnish Ambassador to Ethiopia Sinikka Antila has expressed her country’s desire to consolidate bilateral cooperation with Ethiopia in various development sectors. Speaking to ENA, Ambassador Antila also hailed Ethiopia's ongoing massive corridor development project that intends to uplift the image of Addis Ababa. According to Antila, Ethiopia and Finland enjoy 30 years of diplomatic relations and strong bilateral cooperation in various development spheres. The ambassador stated that the two countries have a well established partnership particularly, in areas of development such as water supply and sanitation, education, agriculture and digitized land administration as well as in the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET). She further reiterated Finland’s commitment in further fostering the existing bilateral cooperation with Ethiopia. “We have had very tight cooperation; big programs together and well established partnerships for a long time. In fact, we are celebrating this year the 30th year of cooperation in water and sanitation, the ongoing flagship co-wash project here in Ethiopia,” the ambassador underscored. Ambassador Antila also pledged to support Ethiopia’s ongoing development endeavors to modernize the society and beautify the country. Furthermore, the ambassador pointed out that Finland supports Ethiopia for its effort in promoting democracy and a nationwide consultation process, overseen by the Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission. Mentioning Ethiopia’s circular economy that has been launched last week, the ambassador revealed that Finland is going to support this national circular economy through the African Development Bank (AfDB) circular economy fund. Recall that Ethiopia has launched a National Circular Economy Roadmap to unleash the country’s full potential of the circular economy through creating an enabling environment. Circular economy is a model of production and consumption that involves sharing, leasing, reusing, repairing, refurbishing and recycling existing materials and products as long as possible, it was learned. Asked about the ongoing corridor development in the Ethiopian capital, the Finnish ambassador hailed the country for its massive corridor development project aimed at uplifting the image of Addis Ababa. Antila hoped that the corridor development project will make Addis Ababa much more beautiful and pave the way to have a good public transportation system, as the capital is the seat of the African Union as well as various international organizations.          
Ireland Eyes Further Augmenting Investment, Trade Ties with Ethiopia
Jul 23, 2024 863
Addis Ababa, July 23/2024 (ENA) Irish Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Micheál Martin revealed that Ireland has been seeking a stronger investment and trade links with Ethiopia. The deputy prime minister and foreign minister was in Ethiopia last week for an official working visit which aimed at taking a three-decade bilateral ties to a higher level of cooperation. Approached by ENA, Martin underscored that Ethiopia and Ireland have been enjoying longstanding bilateral ties. “We have a long standing partnership and relationship with Ethiopia. Some 30 years ago, we established diplomatic relations with Ethiopia and our embassy essentially established here in Addis Ababa,” he stated. According to him, over those years, the two countries have maintained a consistent and steady partnership in terms of development cooperation in supporting many initiatives of the government of Ethiopia. In this regard, the deputy prime minister and foreign minister mentioned some initiatives that Ireland supports Ethiopia in the spheres of productive safety net program, health, education and food production systems. He further expressed Ireland’s commitment that the country has been working hard in order to foster its trade and investment relations with Ethiopia. “Into the future we'd like to see stronger investment in Ethiopia from Irish companies, and we would like to see stronger trading links between Ireland and Ethiopia.” Acknowledging Ethiopia’s Homegrown Economic Reform Program, Martin said we are very impressed with the significant reform being carried out in the country. For him, the Homegrown Economic Growth program of Ethiopia has become instrumental for countries including the European Union to consolidate economic cooperation with Ethiopia. Particularly, the deputy prime minister and foreign minister hoped that the ongoing Ethiopia’s economic reform will attract Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and enhance trade. “I had a very good meeting with Finance Minister Ahmed Shide and his point was that the reforms at macro level are happening now in Ethiopia. So I think the opportunities will grow in Ethiopia. So the reform itself attracts FDI and extra trade between Ireland and Ethiopia as well as between Europe and Ethiopia.” Speaking on Ethiopia’s reconstruction endeavors following the war in the northern part of the country, Martin urged the various global financial institutions to support the efforts including the European Union. Noting that reconstruction is very important, he noted that the world has to support Ethiopia in that aspect, adding that “we have to get behind Ethiopia in terms of the reconstruction and recovery.”
Ethiopia Expresses Dismay Over Irresponsible Statements Made by Senior Officials of Somalia's Gov't 
Jul 26, 2024 458
Addis Ababa, July 26/2024 (ENA) Ethiopia expressed dismayed by the unwarranted and irresponsible statements made by senior officials of the government of Somalia on various occasions attempting to deny the critical role of Ethiopia in helping to rebuild the state of Somalia. In a statement released by the Office of the Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs today Ethiopia is closely following the repeated provocative statements by the Government of Somalia. Contrary to the baseless accusations of the government of Somalia, Ethiopia has rather been sacrificing in the service of peace and stability of the brotherly people of Somalia for more than three decades, Office of the Spokesperson underlined. “Ethiopia is, thus, dismayed by the unwarranted and irresponsible statements made by senior officials of the Somalia on various occasions attempting to deny the critical role of Ethiopia in helping to rebuild the state of Somalia.” Bearing in mind its strong conviction for regional interdependence, the statement said, adding that cultural ties and historical relationships cemented with blood and sweat, Ethiopia did not choose to respond to the baseless accusations of the authorities in Somalia. Ethiopia, rather, preferred the path of patience and positive engagement for the common good of our peoples, statement added. "It should be underlined that, Ethiopia is deeply concerned about the proliferation of trafficking of small arms and light weapons in the Horn of Africa," Office of the Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated. As the region is challenged by ongoing conflicts, unchecked coastal lines, as well as unsecured borders, it is imperative for countries of the region to coordinate their efforts in fighting such crimes, it said. Ethiopia reiterated its steadfastness in fighting terrorism and proliferation of illegal trafficking of small arms, light weapons and Improvised Explosive Devices. "Ethiopia will continue to stand on the side of the brotherly people of Somalia to fulfill their aspiration for sustainable peace, stability, economic development and regional cooperation," statement stressed.      
Activities Underway for Meaningful Women Participation in Nat'l Dialogue, Says Ergoge Tesfaye 
Jul 25, 2024 457
Addis Ababa July 25/2024 (ENA) Activities are being carried out to engage women for a meaningful participation in nation state building and national dialogue processes, Minister of Women and Social Affairs, Ergoge Tesfaye remarked. The minister recalled that citizens have been voicing demands for resolving the fundamental problems of the country through national dialogue process, which she said has reached decisive stage. Ergoge further said the Ministry of Women and Social Affairs has facilitated various forums in coordination with stakeholders to engage women in meaningful and wider participation on issues of nation building efforts and national dialogue processes.   The minister stated that women are the prime victims of disagreements and differences of views manifested at the national level. She lauded the National Dialogue Commission for its efforts in conducting inclusive national dialogue to foster the culture of working in close cooperation and reach national consensus. Network for Ethiopian Women’s Associations (NEWA) has been providing capacity building trainings on agenda gathering and compiling to thousands of women in 8 regional states and two city administrations, deserving appreciation, she added.   Speaking on the occasion, Chief Commissioner of the National Dialogue Professor Mesfin Araya remarked that if we all are to win, we certainly need to engage in a constructive dialogue. And we have to engage women in the consultations, he said, underscoring that women’s agenda represents the agenda of all Ethiopians.   NEWA Executive Director Saba Gebremedhin on her part indicated that the organization is working to ensure that women have proper representation at the national dialogue process and play their part.
War College Empowering Defense Force in Ethiopia's Geopolitical Interest over Red Sea, Gulf of Aden
Jul 25, 2024 650
Addis Ababa July 25/2024 (ENA) The Defense War College of Ethiopia has been empowering military leaders with the knowledge of the country’s geopolitical interest on the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, Defense War College Commander in Chief Brigadier General Bulti Tadesse told ENA. Ethiopia, with a population projected to reach 150 million by 2030, is found in a unique geopolitical position in the Horn of Africa and the nation plays a critical role in Red Sea politics, which is rooted in historical and strategic dimensions, economic imperatives, regional stability considerations and significance of the region’s geopolitical landscape. In an exclusive interview with ENA, Defense War College Commander in Chief Brigadier General Bulti Tadesse said the politics of Red Sea and Gulf of Aden is a very critical regional issue that directly and indirectly affects the national interest of Ethiopia. Therefore, the college has been organizing a lot workshops and symposiums as well as long and short term courses for military leaders on the geopolitical interest of Ethiopia over the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. Moreover, the college has been nurturing and cultivating strategic military leaders with knowledge of geopolitics of the region, he added. The commander in chief of the college explained that having knowledge of geopolitics of the region enables military leaders to understand what is going around the region, and how to maintain and ensure the national interest of Ethiopia in all national security dimensions. “There is a great security politics here and there, especially the Horn of Africa,” Brigadier General Bulti said, adding that the war college made members of the defense force understand what is going on in security matters, what Ethiopia’s national security interest is, and what principles the country follows in defense capability and national security dimensions. The college provides masters and regular diploma programs in areas of strategic leadership, national security, military professionalism, international relations, foreign policy and diplomacy, it was learned. According to Brigadier General Bulti, the college also renders training in internal and regional threat analysis, conflict resolution, military intelligence and geopolitics among other key subject matters related to defense. Furthermore, the college will work more on capacitating the defense force of the country in areas of peace and security as well as geopolitics of the region. The Defense War College of Ethiopia has been operational since October 2019 as Ethiopia’s first senior level strategic security studies and research institution.  
Finland Seeks to Heighten Bilateral Cooperation with Ethiopia
Jul 25, 2024 545
Addis Ababa, July 25/2024(ENA) Finnish Ambassador to Ethiopia Sinikka Antila has expressed her country’s desire to consolidate bilateral cooperation with Ethiopia in various development sectors. Speaking to ENA, Ambassador Antila also hailed Ethiopia's ongoing massive corridor development project that intends to uplift the image of Addis Ababa. According to Antila, Ethiopia and Finland enjoy 30 years of diplomatic relations and strong bilateral cooperation in various development spheres. The ambassador stated that the two countries have a well established partnership particularly, in areas of development such as water supply and sanitation, education, agriculture and digitized land administration as well as in the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET). She further reiterated Finland’s commitment in further fostering the existing bilateral cooperation with Ethiopia. “We have had very tight cooperation; big programs together and well established partnerships for a long time. In fact, we are celebrating this year the 30th year of cooperation in water and sanitation, the ongoing flagship co-wash project here in Ethiopia,” the ambassador underscored. Ambassador Antila also pledged to support Ethiopia’s ongoing development endeavors to modernize the society and beautify the country. Furthermore, the ambassador pointed out that Finland supports Ethiopia for its effort in promoting democracy and a nationwide consultation process, overseen by the Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission. Mentioning Ethiopia’s circular economy that has been launched last week, the ambassador revealed that Finland is going to support this national circular economy through the African Development Bank (AfDB) circular economy fund. Recall that Ethiopia has launched a National Circular Economy Roadmap to unleash the country’s full potential of the circular economy through creating an enabling environment. Circular economy is a model of production and consumption that involves sharing, leasing, reusing, repairing, refurbishing and recycling existing materials and products as long as possible, it was learned. Asked about the ongoing corridor development in the Ethiopian capital, the Finnish ambassador hailed the country for its massive corridor development project aimed at uplifting the image of Addis Ababa. Antila hoped that the corridor development project will make Addis Ababa much more beautiful and pave the way to have a good public transportation system, as the capital is the seat of the African Union as well as various international organizations.          
Ireland Eyes Further Augmenting Investment, Trade Ties with Ethiopia
Jul 23, 2024 863
Addis Ababa, July 23/2024 (ENA) Irish Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Micheál Martin revealed that Ireland has been seeking a stronger investment and trade links with Ethiopia. The deputy prime minister and foreign minister was in Ethiopia last week for an official working visit which aimed at taking a three-decade bilateral ties to a higher level of cooperation. Approached by ENA, Martin underscored that Ethiopia and Ireland have been enjoying longstanding bilateral ties. “We have a long standing partnership and relationship with Ethiopia. Some 30 years ago, we established diplomatic relations with Ethiopia and our embassy essentially established here in Addis Ababa,” he stated. According to him, over those years, the two countries have maintained a consistent and steady partnership in terms of development cooperation in supporting many initiatives of the government of Ethiopia. In this regard, the deputy prime minister and foreign minister mentioned some initiatives that Ireland supports Ethiopia in the spheres of productive safety net program, health, education and food production systems. He further expressed Ireland’s commitment that the country has been working hard in order to foster its trade and investment relations with Ethiopia. “Into the future we'd like to see stronger investment in Ethiopia from Irish companies, and we would like to see stronger trading links between Ireland and Ethiopia.” Acknowledging Ethiopia’s Homegrown Economic Reform Program, Martin said we are very impressed with the significant reform being carried out in the country. For him, the Homegrown Economic Growth program of Ethiopia has become instrumental for countries including the European Union to consolidate economic cooperation with Ethiopia. Particularly, the deputy prime minister and foreign minister hoped that the ongoing Ethiopia’s economic reform will attract Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and enhance trade. “I had a very good meeting with Finance Minister Ahmed Shide and his point was that the reforms at macro level are happening now in Ethiopia. So I think the opportunities will grow in Ethiopia. So the reform itself attracts FDI and extra trade between Ireland and Ethiopia as well as between Europe and Ethiopia.” Speaking on Ethiopia’s reconstruction endeavors following the war in the northern part of the country, Martin urged the various global financial institutions to support the efforts including the European Union. Noting that reconstruction is very important, he noted that the world has to support Ethiopia in that aspect, adding that “we have to get behind Ethiopia in terms of the reconstruction and recovery.”
Humanitarian Aid, Rehabilitation Activities Well Underway to Victims of Landslide in Southern Ethiopia
Jul 26, 2024 509
Addis Ababa July 26/2024 (ENA) The humanitarian and rehabilitation activities are well underway to the victims of landslide in Gozdi Kebele of Southern Ethiopia region as per the direction given by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, Disaster Risk Management Commission (DRMC) remarked in a statement sent to ENA. The Commission recalled that the landslide disaster inflicted loss of lives and destruction of properties in Gozdi Kebele of Gofa Zone last Monday. As per the direction given by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, a federal team comprised of high ranking government officials has been deployed to the Gozdi Kebele and identified critical issues and the necessary humanitarian need in the area by showing sympathy to the affected community. While the lifesaving endeavors are still continued, the number of people died due to the landslide has so far reached 226, the commission revealed. According to the commission, some 6,000 vulnerable people have been identified to be relocated from scene of the disaster including the 600 people, who have already been relocated from the area. Alongside the provision of humanitarian support, efforts are in place to rehabilitate the victims in an orderly manner based on expert study, the commission indicated. The humanitarian support has been intensified by federal and regional states, various institutions, and the citizens at large in collaboration with the regional administration, Zone and the community, it said. Other partners have also been extending food and non-food supports through the UNOCHA, the commission added. In addition to ongoing efforts to save lives and provide rehabilitation, the commission has set up a structure for emergency disaster response coordination and integration. The commission has extended gratitude for the humanitarian support that audaciously displayed a profound understanding of Ethiopian culture since the tragedy and urged for a continued support in the efforts to sustainably address the problem.
African Countries Seeking Platform that Addressees Biased, Skewed Global Tax System
Jul 26, 2024 160
Addis Ababa, July 26/2024 (ENA) African countries are seeking a platform that can address the “biased and the skewed nature of the current global tax system” which has been benefiting richer capital exporting countries, Tax Justice Network Africa (TJNA) Executive Director Chenai Mukumba said. Speaking to ENA on the sidelines of the first Preparatory Committee Conference for the Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development, the executive director noted that the challenges of the African tax systems are broad and diverse. For example, there is a need for Africa to address a number of national level concerns. But if we don't tackle unlimited the amount of revenue we are able to raise domestically, we will face a problem. There are, however, issues that African countries need to promote and advocate at the international level at the same time to support the domestic efforts to raise resources, she added. The main focus of the discussions during the Financing for Development Conference was the international economic governance that we are really pushing in order to promote the reform of the global tax system.   “Essentially, what African countries are saying is that we need a platform that is inclusive, that is democratic, and that understands our context and our constraints; and also a platform that can address currently the bias and the skewed nature of the current global tax system that's benefiting richer capital exporting countries.” On the other hand, African countries have some of the lowest tax to GDP ratios in the world, lower than any other region, the executive director stated. “That’s due to some domestic issues, but it's also due to a number of international issues. Now at the international level, there's a push by African countries to see if we can move the platform where we talk about global rule-making from the OECD to the United Nations.” The reason for this is because the United Nations, at least all African countries, have to have a say in the discussions about the reform of the global tax system. Mukumba said if African countries have a say they can then push for a global tax system that understands the context of African countries. In 2022, the African Group tabled a proposal to begin discussion about how to enhance international tax cooperation, she said. The proposal was adopted by consensus at the UN.   The Africa Group, as much as they are really pushing for a progressive global tax system, there is a significant push back, the executive director revealed. “What we need is to see much more support for the negotiations that are happening in New York. We need to see our ministries of finance for member states and ministries of foreign affairs promoting and supporting that process.” Hence, a holistic approach is needed to address the interconnected national, international and systemic challenges for financing for development, according to Mukumba. Moreover, she stressed that the reform of the international financial architecture is essential as national development efforts need to be supported by enabling international economic environments.
Ethiopia Endowed with Immense Potential for Blue Economy Vital for Its Development
Jul 26, 2024 192
Addis Ababa, July 26/2024(ENA) Ethiopia has immense potential for blue economy vital to expedite its development endeavors, according to Blue Economy Division Head of the AU Commission and Program Manager for Sustainable Environment Protection Program Manager of IGAD. Blue economy is economic activities that are associated with natural resources found in water bodies including oceans, rivers and lakes. Ethiopia is an African nation that is endowed with immense fresh water resources such as lakes and rivers that have enormous potentials to develop the blue economy of the country. Blue Economy Division Head at AU Commission Georgeo Asseko and IGAD Sustainable Environment Protection Program Manager, Eshete Dejen have insisted Ethiopia to fully utilize its immense potentials in blue economy. Asseko told ENA that with taking innovative and advanced technologies as well as keeping the resources from pollution and environmental degradation, Ethiopia can fully utilize and transform this potential in to economy and social development. He pointed out that tourism, energy, transport, and fishery, among others are some of the benefits that the nation would gain from blue economy. “Ethiopia is always on the way; and we are glad to say that it is one of the countries we are following. So, there is a huge potential also for Ethiopia to develop blue economy,” Asseko stated. In this regard, African Union Commission is working on creating regional economic community through building the capacity of member states to understand the concept of blue economy and to see its opportunities for sustainable development, he underscored. Reiterating on Ethiopia’s immense potential in blue economy, IGAD Sustainable Environment Protection Program Manager, Eshete Dejen on his part said “Ethiopia has huge resource in terms of blue economy like hydropower, marine and inland transport, and tourism.”   Fishery and tourist attraction sites of Lake Tana and Lake Ziway as well as the great source of hydropower generation, GERD can be best examples of the nation’s gifted blue economy. Insisting Ethiopia to fully utilize its opportunities of blue economy, IGAD stands ready in supporting Ethiopia in developing blue economy strategy, resource mobilization and capacity building. “We are supporting member states in terms of developing their strategy, resource mobilization, capacity building and knowledge sharing,” Eshete noted. He further underscored that Ethiopia’s abundant fresh water resources offer exceptional opportunities for transformative economic and social development of the country. Blue Economy is among the main strategic focus areas of Ethiopia’s ten-year economic perspective plan.
1st Preparatory Committee Conference for Fourth Int’l Conference on Financing Concluded
Jul 26, 2024 269
Addis Ababa, July 26/2024 (ENA)The first Preparatory Committee Conference for the Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development has been successfully concluded stressing the importance of collective efforts to tackle the global challenges to pave the way for sustainable development financing. The conference was held from July 22-26/2024 in Addis Ababa as one of the four preparatory sessions to review progresses on Addis Ababa Action Agenda and identifying actions and solutions to accelerate the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The conference was organized to prepare for the upcoming Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development that will be held in Spain in 2025. The conference mainly discussed domestic resource mobilization, sustainable debt management, addressing systemic issues climate changes and global challenges, innovative financing and strengthening development cooperation during the ministerial and technical segments. Recognizing the negative impacts of various global crises on the implementation of the SDGs, the conference stressed the importance of collective efforts to tackle the global challenges to pave the way for sustainable development financing. Furthermore, the conference also emphasized that correcting macro-economic imbalances through diversification of resources and rapid economic growth driven by reforms and responsive policies are important measures to fix systemic issues. Increasing climate financing through innovative financing mechanisms has been discussed as crucial step to support mitigation, adaptation and resilience building efforts in response to growing climate change induced calamities. Resolving the huge debt burden of developing countries was also stressed in the conference. As stated by most of the UN member states, debt service has been narrowing the fiscal spaces of developing countries to invest on basic social services. In this regard, the importance of debt restructuring and use of strict policy measures for sustainable debt management were mentioned as way forward actions. The conference also underscored that improving the capacity of domestic resource mobilization is critical to finance sustainable development. In this regard, digitalizing the tax system and broadening the tax base, leveraging the potential of the private sector through various mechanisms has been stressed as important means to finance sustainable development. Finally, strengthening multilateralism and development cooperation were underlined as important measures to enhance partnerships and collaboration on the implementation of SDGs and agenda 2030. Mainly, reforming the international financial institutions to better represent and reflect the views of developing countries as well as honoring the commitments of Official Development Assistance (ODA) and increasing non-concessional funding have been identified as important measure to finance sustainable development. Hosted by Ethiopia, the conference was attended by more than 850 delegates from UN member states, including ministers, representatives of UN organizations, regional and international organizations, CSOs and academia. The participants actively engaged in both ministerial and technical substantive discussions to identify priorities, challenges, and opportunities for sustainable development financing and accelerating the SDGs. The conference was officially closed by Ahmed Shide, Minister of Finance of Ethiopia, the Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs and the preparatory committee co-chairs. On the occasion, the minister expressed that Ethiopia is honored by hosting this important international event and he thanked all the participants and the organizers who played critical roles for the successful undertaking of the conference.  
Ethiopia Gives Priority to Enhance National Capacity in AI
Jul 26, 2024 186
Addis Ababa, July 26/2024(ENA)-A strategy and operational planning documents have been prepared to implement Ethiopia’s national artificial intelligence policy, National Artificial Intelligence Institute remarked. Artificial Intelligence is currently being utilized in several economic, social and security areas in countries across the world. Ethiopia has accomplished various tasks particularly after the reform in utilizing AI technologies for social, economic, security and political purposes by establishing institution tasked with developing the sector. So far various activities have been conducted to make the country competitive in the sector. On its 37 Regular Session conducted this Ethiopia year, the Council of Ministers has passed a resolution to implement the National AI Policy which was developed during the course of the reform program in the country. Executive Director of the National Institute of AI, Worku Gachena told ENA that it took two years to prepare the policy document. He added that the government has prepared the policy document for AI by benchmarking the experience of other countries and by engaging pertinent professionals in the sector to effectively fulfil its goals of preparing the policy document. The Executive Director noted that many countries do not have such policy at their disposal and remarked that this shows the extent to which the government has prioritized activities to be accomplished in the sector. He said the policy provides an opportunity for all Ethiopians at overseas who wish to engage in the sector and develop personal and national capacity by operating in the sector.    
Ethiopia, China Reaffirm Commitment to Reinforce Cooperation in Science & Technology 
Jul 25, 2024 559
Addis Ababa July 25/2024 (ENA)The governments of Ethiopia and China reaffirmed commitment to further reinforce their cooperation in the field of science and technology. The two countries demonstrated this remark at the 3rd Ethiopia-China Joint Committee Meeting on Scientific and Technology cooperation held today in Addis Ababa. The joint committee meeting discussed on range of issues including exchange of science and technology policies, people to people ties in science and technology, cooperation between the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Ethiopia Research institutes, and the 'Belt and Road Joint laboratory. During the discussion, Innovation and Technology Minister Belete Molla said this joint committee meeting marks a significant milestone in the two country’s bilateral cooperation in the field of science and technology as they come together to strengthen their partnership, exchange ideas, and chart a path towards mutual progress and innovation. The discussion underscores the importance of collaboration and knowledge sharing in advancing scientific research, technological development and sustainable growth, he added. Briefing overview of Ethiopia's science, technology and innovation policies and initiatives the minister said that in recent years, Ethiopia has made significant strides in harnessing the power of science, technology, and innovation to drive economic growth, social development, and sustainable progress. “Our government recognizes the pivotal role that technological advancement plays in shaping our future and enhancing the well-being of our citizens,” Belete noted.   Ethiopia has implemented a comprehensive set of policies and programs aimed at fostering conducive environment for scientific research, technological innovation, and knowledge transfer, he added. Through strategic partnerships with both domestic and international stakeholders, Belete remarked that Ethiopia is working towards building a robust innovation ecosystem that nurtures talent, fosters creativity, and accelerates technological advancement. He highlighted Ethiopia’s endeavors to position the country as a regional hub for technological excellence and innovation by investing in research and development, promoting entrepreneurship, and fostering collaboration among key stakeholders. “Through dialogue, cooperation and shared knowledge, we can unlock new opportunities for collaboration and co-creation in the field of science and technology.Together, let us work towards a future where innovation knows no boundaries and where our collective efforts pave the way for a brighter tomorrow.” Chinese Science and Technology Vice Minister Lin Xin on her part said the 3rd china and Ethiopia joint committee meeting on science and Technology aims to discuss science and technology cooperation for innovative development. Noting two joint committee meetings were held previously, she described today’s meeting as a new start to strengthen cooperation, expand cooperation fields, optimize modal of cooperation and inject more science and technology impetus as part of strengthening partnerships between the two countries. Since the two sides signed intergovernmental science and technology cooperation agreement in 2011, “we had conducted practical cooperation in science technology policies, joint research, science and technology and people-to-people exchanges and technology transfer,” she added.  
Ethiopian Coders Initiative Outcome of Close Strategic Cooperation, Says UAE Deputy Minister Lootah
Jul 24, 2024 714
Addis Ababa July 24/2024 (ENA) The 5 Million Ethiopian Coders initiative is one of the outcomes of the close strategic cooperation between the United Arab Emirates and Ethiopia, UAE Cabinet Affair Competitiveness and Exchange of Experience Deputy Minister Lootah said. In his opening speech at the launching of the initiative, Abdullah Nasser Lootah stated that the 31 years old diplomatic relation between the UAE and Ethiopia has witnessed rapid growth and development. "We are meeting today for a new process of cooperation in the 5 Million Ethiopian Coders initiative, which is one of the outcomes of close strategic cooperation in knowledge exchange between the two countries." He revealed that the strategic cooperation was signed between the two countries last year in August in the presence of the leaders of the countries. According to him, the initiative revolved around 6 basic axes of cooperation in digital transformation, programming, government services, civil services, workforce and leadership, and capacity building. The United Arab Emirates aspires to establish more joint cooperations, including other priority areas, and register achievements for both our leadership and peoples, he added. ''In the words of His Highness Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, ' The race for excellence knows no end line.'" This guiding principle inspires us to continually strive towards progress and excellence and ensure that no one is left behind in the digital age, Lootah elaborated. He pointed out that today the two countries will begin a new phase of ambition and achievement. "Let us (therefore) draw inspiration from the words of His Excellency Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed in his famous saying, 'Our future is in the hands of our youth.''' Lootah added that the initiative of five million Ethiopian programmers, under the slogan “Unlocking Talent for a New Tomorrow,” is not just a slogan that adorns the initiative, but rather a reality in which we believe with the deepest faith. The deputy minister further said that the initiative of 5 Million Ethiopian Coders is a bold and forward-looking step towards preparing young people in Ethiopia for the requirements of the twenty-first century by providing them with basic digital skills. Providing young people with knowledge is not only to prepare them for the jobs of the future, but also instill in them a culture of innovation and business leadership. The initiative has 4 different educational tracks: Android development, basics of data science, programming, and basics of artificial intelligence, it was stated. Lootah underscored that the joint efforts between the two countries reflect the strategic visions of the two leaderships, which depend on the shared values ​​and aspirations between the two brotherly countries.
Five Million Ethiopian Coders Initiative Gateway to Active Youth Participation in Digital Economy 
Jul 23, 2024 883
Addis Ababa, July 23/2024 (ENA) The Minister of Innovation and Technology, Belete Molla, has announced that the Five Million Ethiopian Coders Initiative will empower the youth to actively engage in the digital economy. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has officially launched the Five Million Ethiopian Coders Initiative today, marking a significant milestone in the country’s digital transformation journey. This ambitious program, a collaborative effort between the governments of the United Arab Emirates and Ethiopia, aims to provide online coding training to five million youth nationwide. The comprehensive training program focuses on key areas of modern technology, including web programming, Android app development, data science, and foundational digital skills in artificial intelligence. Minister of Innovation and Technology, Belete Molla, said that expanding the digital ecosystem is crucial for realizing a digitally empowered Ethiopia. He highlighted skill development as a cornerstone of this expansion, noting that concentrated efforts are underway to cultivate a workforce with the necessary knowledge and expertise in the field.   The minister stated that the Five Million Ethiopian Coders Initiative will equip youth with the skills to actively participate in the digital ecosystem. He added that this initiative will pave the way for Ethiopia's advancement in the technology sector. Belete underscored that the initiative demonstrates the government's commitment to empowering youth, fostering innovation, and harnessing digital capabilities. The program will enable young people to become active participants and producers in the digital economy, he added. Emphasizing the holistic nature of digital skills, the minister noted that true digital proficiency extends beyond technological know-how to encompass a modern mindset. He urged young people to develop not only technical skills but also the cognitive and behavioral attributes necessary for success in the digital era. Belete called upon federal and regional government structures, private sector development partners, civil society organizations, and parents to play their respective roles in ensuring the initiative's success. Deputy Minister of Cabinet Affairs of the United Arab Emirates, Abdullah Nasser, stated that the initiative marks a new chapter in the partnership between Ethiopia and the UAE.   He affirmed his government’s commitment to exploring further areas of collaboration that will mutually benefit both nations. In related news, an executive leadership training program was also announced. This program, another joint effort between Ethiopia and the UAE, will cater to leaders from 15 government institutions. The six-month training will be delivered through a combination of online and in-person sessions. This comprehensive initiative aligns with Ethiopia's broader strategy to position itself as a hub of technological advancement and economic growth in an increasingly digital world, as outlined in Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed's vision for the country's future.      
Ethiopia’s Olympic Team Left for Paris
Jul 25, 2024 497
Addis Ababa, July 25/2024(ENA) A delegation of Ethiopia national Olympic team arrived today in Paris, France ahead of the 33rd Edition of Summer Olympic Games that will be held from 26th July to August 11th 2024. Upon arrival, the Olympic team which Led by the Ethiopian Athletics Federation President Derartu Tulu was warmly welcomed by a crowd of Ethiopian Diaspora and the staff of the Embassy of Ethiopia in Paris at Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport. Ethiopia’s olympic team will participate in athletics, swimming, and boxing, with a total of 39 athletes representing the country at the prestigious event. Some world-record holders and a reigning champion are among the athletes representing Ethiopia at the 2024 Paris Summer Olympics. The record holders and world champions team comprises the legendary long distance runner Kenenisa Bekele, women’s marathon record holder Tigist Aseffa, 3000M men’s steeplechase record holder Lamecha Girma, Tokyo Olympic 10000m gold medallist Selemon Barega, Gudaf Tsegay, among others.   Selemon Barega will defend his 10,000m title while Gudaf Tsegay has been entered for a 1500m, 5000m and 10,000m treble as part of the Ethiopian team for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. Barega got gold ahead of Uganda’s Joshua Cheptegei and Jacob Kiplimo in Tokyo and he will be joined in the 10,000m in Paris by his compatriots Berihu Aregawi and Yomif Kejelcha, the latter having also been named for the 5000m. World record-holder Lamecha Girma will go for his first global gold in the 3000m steeplechase after securing silver in Tokyo and at the past three editions of the World Championships. Tsegay, the Olympic 5000m bronze medallist and world champion in the 5000m in 2022 and 10,000m in 2023, will be joined by world 1500m silver medallist Diribe Welteji in the shorter of the three events. The marathon will feature world record-holder Tigist Assefa, Amane Beriso and Megertu Alemu in the women’s event, and Kenenisa Bekele, Sisay Lemma and Deresa Geleta in the men’s. Ethiopia will also be participating in the Olympic Games boxing tournament after a 20-year absence. The last time Ethiopian boxers took part in the Olympics was in 2004 in Athens. Yadesa Lemma will represent the country in the boxing category. Yadesa has been given the African quota by the International Olympic Committee Task Force following the withdrawal of Nigeria’s Omole Dolapo because of a left knee injury. The 33rd Olympic Games are set to take place in Paris from July 26 to August 11, 2024, featuring a total of 10,714 athletes from 206 countries, including independent athletes competing under the umbrella of the International Olympic Committee and the Olympic Refugee Team. These athletes will compete in 32 sports.      
Oromia Inaugurates 1.5 Billion Birr Sports Training, Research Institute
Jul 18, 2024 1704
Addis Ababa ,July 18/2024(ENA)- A sports training and research institute built by the Oromia regional government at a cost of over 1.5 billion Birr was inaugurated today. The institute named after the renowned Ethiopian athlete Derartu Tulu aims to bolster sports training and research. On the occasion, Oromia Regional State Chief Administrator Shimelis Abdisa said that the regional government is diligently developing sports alongside other sectors.   According to him, the region is currently engaged in constructing sports venues and training centers. The institute has been under construction for 8 years since 2016, it was learned. The goal of the institute is not only producing qualified sports-persons competitive enough at the international level, but also adapting scientific methods to manage sports, Shimelis elaborated. The institute has the capacity to receive and train 800 athletes in 16 types of sports at a time. It also has athletes dormitories, coaches residences, teaching, research and study rooms, a modern gymnasium, and a hall that can accommodate 5,200 spectators.   Besides, it comprises football, handball, volleyball, basketball, volleyball courts, tennis courts, swimming pools, running tracks, clinic and recreation centers. Built with a budget exceeding 1.5 billion Birr, the institute is expected to create permanent and temporary jobs for more than 350 people, the chief administrator said. The inauguration ceremony was attended by senior government officials, famous athletes and representatives of sections of the society.            
Africa Needs to Collaborate to Harness Opportunities in Carbon Trading: Environmental Issues Chair
Jul 24, 2024 687
Addis Ababa, July 24/2024(ENA)- African countries need to collaborate and take decisive action to harness the potential opportunities in carbon trading, Environmental Issues Permanent Representatives Subcommittee Chair Harold Bundu Saffa said. The chair made the remark at the Africa Multi-Stakeholder Conference on Carbon Markets, underway at the African Union Headquarters here in Addis Ababa.   The overall goal of the conference is to provide a platform for the African continent to deliberate on carbon markets, the approaches and opportunities they present, the threats they pose and possible options the continent can explore, taking into consideration its circumstances. Speaking on the occasion, Saffa said Africa finds itself at a critical juncture where economic development must align with the imperative to address a rapidly changing climate. The African continent is not the primary driver of the global climate crisis, yet it disproportionately bears the burden of its consequences, he added. Africa faces prolonged droughts, erratic rainfall patterns, soaring temperatures, and intensified extreme weather events, all posing existential threats to food security, water resources, and the livelihood of countless communities. Compounding these pressing challenges is the stark reality of insufficient climate finance, which limits the continent's ability to effectively address the multifaceted climate crisis, the chair elaborated. The African region has the potential to leverage its rich natural resources to unlock economic value, accelerate sustainable industrialization, and promote economic transformation and diversification. Therefore, this conference provides a crucial platform for Africa to collaborate and catalyze action in harnessing the potential opportunities in carbon trading. He hoped that the conference will ensure that Africa receive fair pricing for its carbon in global credit markets and develops markets based on African principles and priorities rather than foreign ontologies or epistemologies. Africa possesses vast ecosystems crucial for carbon storage, Saffa said, adding that the Congo forests, dubbed the world's second long to absorb about 1.2 billion tons of CO2 annually. The Congo basin was roughly 8 percent of the world's forest base carbon. However, the chair underlined that this significant contribution is not reflected proportionally in the carbon trade.   AU/AfCFTA Relations and Trade Policy Director, Yusuf Daya said carbon market is crucial for exploring and implementing solutions that not only mitigate environmental issues but also foster economic growth and social development. The potential economic benefits of carbon credit markets are essential; many African countries possess vast forests, savannas, and other ecosystems that act as significant carbon sinks. By participating in carbon credit markets, these nations can monetize their natural assets, attract investments, and generate revenues to support development, the director noted. This revenue can be reinvested in local communities, infrastructure, sustainable development projects, driving economic growth and reducing poverty. According to him, there are, however, challenges that need to be addressed, including establishing robust regulatory frameworks, ensuring transparency and accountability and building capacity for monitoring and verification. The three days conference has brought together government representatives from AU member states, representatives of regional economic communities, private sector entities and CSOs, among others.      
Ethiopia Discharging Int’l Obligation Through Its Green Legacy Initiative : Adem Farah
Jul 24, 2024 585
Addis Ababa, July 24/2024 (ENA) Ethiopia is discharging its international obligation in making the planet suitable for the forth coming generation through the National Green Legacy Initiative, Head of the Democratic System Building Coordination Center and Vice President of the ruling Prosperity Party with the rank of Deputy Prime Minister, Adem Farah remarked. Ethiopia’s Green Legacy Initiative, launched in 2019 by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, aims at intensifying forestation in the country to help mitigate the impact of climate change. The initiative has set a goal to plant 50 billion tree seedlings by 2026. In just the past 5 years, this program has already succeeded in planting over 32.5 billion tree seedlings across the country. This year’s tree planting activity is underway across the country targeting to plant 7.5 billion seedlings during this rainy months. Head of the Democratic System Building Coordination Center and Vice President of the ruling Prosperity Party with the rank of Deputy Prime Minister, Adem Farah along with higher officials and staff of the headquarters of the Party carried out tree planting program today at Lemi Qura Sub city of Sheger City Administration. Speaking on the occasion, Adem stated that the Green Legacy Initiative links the past, present and future generation.   In this regard, he added that Ethiopia is discharging its international responsibility and is taking up a huge initiative by helping to make the planet suitable and habitable for all. Adem further noted that the current generation is fulfilling its obligations through the initiative, which is instrumental to sustainably mitigate disasters and to protect the nation’s landscape from the impacts of climate change. The initiative is vital to promoting productivity and ensuring food security in the country. He further highlighted that the program is playing a major role on retaining the positive achievements of the past and mitigating present and future disasters in the country adding that this generation is contributing to curbing the global effects of climate change. PP Vice President added that Green Legacy Initiative contributes to curbing the effects of climate change their by creating a climate change resilient green economy. He noted that the initiative is a vividly demonstrates the strong commitment of the country to transfer a habitable planet for the coming generation, adding the prosperity Party will continue to play a leading role in setting an example in effectively carrying out our national obligation in this regard. Head of Democratic Culture Building at the headquarters of Prosperity Party, Melese Alemu said that the Green Legacy Initiative is a national agenda of the people of Ethiopia and the backbone of our national economy.   He further noted that Ethiopia will continue to be a pace setter and model for developing green economy which has a comprehensive value in all aspects of the livelihood of the people. Head of the Organizational Affairs at PP headquarters, Sadat Nesha stated that the Green Legacy Initiative is more than just planting trees and plays a major role in greening the country and enhancing productivity.   He added that the Initiative is helping to ensure the continuity of strong statehood in the country by developing a common goal in ascertaining economic development for the country.   Deputy Head of Political and Capacity Building Affairs at the Headquarters of the Prosperity Party, Musa Ahmed said that the Party accords greater emphasis on ensuring the comprehensive prosperity of the country by effectively promoting the National Green Legacy Initiative.        
Teenage Second Generation Ethiopian Diasporas Plant Seedlings at Chaka Project
Jul 20, 2024 1305
Addis Ababa, July 20/2024(ENA)- The second generation Ethiopian Diaspora, who have come to their homeland under the “Back to Your Origins” initiative, have planted seedlings at the Chaka Project today. The teenager diaspora members said they were thrilled to be part of the national seedlings planting campaign at the Chaka project.   Recall that Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed called on the second generation Ethiopian Diaspora to come home in three rounds beginning from December 30, 2023 to September 30, 2024. In the past two rounds, the second generation Ethiopians Diaspora have participated in various activities. In this third round teenagers have come to their origin and taken part in planting seedlings at the Chaka project today. Among them, the teenager Zefitret Esuendalew from South Africa said she was very excited to come to her homeland and leave her legacy. “I think it's a real experience and coming back to my home country is the best thing that is happening for me. And you know it is a nice thing to do this (planting trees).” She urged all Ethiopian origins to come to their country and get to know their culture and identity. “My message to the people is you should visit Ethiopia and know your culture as well as your people,” Zefitiret stressed.   The other teenager, Eyoel Yared from Canada thanked Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed for making a special call to the second generation of Ethiopians to visit their origin. He added that he is having a great time during his stay. “It’s really fun and exciting. I really appreciate Prime Minister Abiy decided to do a special occasion for us and all these other people.” The teenager Kibir Michael from America stated that one of her favorite activities is planting seedlings. In this sense, she said that her participation in the Green Legacy program gave her a special feeling.   Kibir called on the second generation to come back to their country and leave their legacy. For his part, the teenager Kidus Yared from Canada said “this (planting seedlings) was a good memory for me to have. It is peaceful and I like this nice place.”    
Ethiopia at Forefront in "Green Revolution": WMO Africa Office Manager
Jul 20, 2024 1218
Addis Ababa, July 20/2024 (ENA) Ethiopia is at the forefront in its Green Legacy program, which is a “green revolution”, World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Regional Office Africa Program Manager Ernest Afiesimama said. In an exclusive with ENA, Afiesimama stated that Ethiopia’s Green Legacy initiative is instrumental in conserving the environment and reducing carbon footprint. “We are expecting many countries to do what Ethiopia is doing. The hydropower and solar energy are green energy; and Ethiopia is carrying out a green revolution at the forefront.” The Africa program manager stressed the need to support the Government of Ethiopia to achieve its long-term objective in its Green Legacy initiative. Regarding Ethiopia’s continued commitment to reducing the impacts of extreme weather, he pointed out that Ethiopia is in the forefront in Africa in the Early Warning for All Initiative.   “I do see in the next two years Ethiopia being able to overcome impacts of the extreme weather climate events in the socio-economy so that we begin to see that the growth domestic product of Ethiopia is improving.” Ethiopia’s Green Legacy program, initiated by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, has multiple advantages in reducing environmental degradation and contributing both for climate adaptation and mitigation. Over the past five years, the country has successfully planted an astonishing 32 billion tree seedlings across the country and this extensive reforestation effort has been instrumental in restoring degraded landscapes, mitigating the impacts of climate change, and preserving the nation's rich bio-diversity. The country targets to reach an ambitious milestone of 50 billion planted tree seedlings by the end of the next two years. Prime Minister Abiy revealed recently that Ethiopia’s forest coverage has increased to 23.6 percent by 2023 from 17.2 percent in 2019.    
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Ethiopian Diaspora Demand Egypt to Change Counterproductive Posture on GERD
Apr 4, 2023 66318
Addis Ababa April 4/2023 (ENA) Ethiopians in the Diaspora have called on Egypt to change its counterproductive posture and find mutually beneficial agreements on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD). In a statement the diaspora issued yesterday, they noted that Ethiopia is the main source of the Nile by contributing 86 percent of the water to the Nile basin states while utilizing less than 1 percent of the potential for hydroelectric power. Ethiopians are currently building the GERD on the Blue Nile that is financed entirely by Ethiopians and is a crucial project for the country's development as it will provide clean, renewable energy and lift millions out of poverty. About 65 percent of the 122 million of Ethiopia's population have no access to any form of electricity. The much-needed electricity will facilitate economic growth for Ethiopia and the region, the statement elaborated. The dam will promote regional cooperation and integration while offering opportunity for eleven countries of the Nile Basin to work together to manage the river's resources more efficiently and effectively, it added. The GERD is being built with the highest environmental and technical standards to achieve the objectives of the national electrification program and the execution of Ethiopia’s Climate-Resilient Green Economy Strategy. According to the statement, Ethiopia has provided scientific evidence and expert testimonies that GERD will not significantly affect the flow of water downstream, and provided compelling arguments for the need for equitable use of the Nile's resources by all countries in the region. The diaspora further said they understand that the GERD has raised concerns in Egypt about the downstream effects on the Nile's flow and water availability since Egyptians have been misinformed about the GERD for many years. But on the contrary, the dam will provide several benefits to Egypt and Sudan, including increased water flow during dry seasons and decreased flooding events. “We want to assure Egyptians that Ethiopians are committed to fair and equitable use of the Nile's waters without harming our downstream neighbors. We recognize that the Nile River is a shared resource, and we support finding a mutually beneficial solution.” As Ethiopians in the Diaspora, we reiterate our support for fair and equitable use of the Nile River and call on the Egyptian people and Egyptian Diaspora to question the misinformation about the GERD in Egypt's mainstream media and embrace the spirit of friendship and cooperation by understanding that the GERD is a project of great national importance to Ethiopians that will benefit Egyptians by ensuring a reliable and predictable supply of water, that Ethiopians have the right to use their water resources for the development of its people and economy, in accordance with the principles of equitable and reasonable utilization without causing significant harm. Efforts to destabilize Ethiopia by the regime in Egypt, will indeed affect the historical and diplomatic relations dating back to several thousand years, the long-term interest of the Egyptian people and make Ethiopians less trusting in cooperating on the GERD and future hydropower projects on the Nile, they warned. The diaspora groups urged Egyptian leaders to engage in constructive dialogue with the leaders of Ethiopia regarding the GERD and steer away from their counterproductive posture of calling for a “binding agreement” on the GERD filling and the subsequent operations as an imposing instrument on water sharing that Ethiopians will never accept. The GERD can be a source of cooperation and collaboration between our two countries rather than a source of conflict, they underscored. "Ethiopians believe that, through dialogue and understanding, peaceful and equitable agreements that benefit all parties involved can be realized to build a brighter future for all people in the Nile basin. Belligerent positions by Egyptian leaders stating ‘all options are open’ are contrary to the spirit of the 2015 Declaration of Principles signed by Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt." According to the statement, such postures will surely harm Egypt's long-term interest and impede trustful cooperation with the Ethiopian people and government. They asked Arab League and its member states to refrain from interfering in the issue of the GERD, which is the sole concern of the three riparian countries (Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt) and their shared regional organization (the African Union), which is mediating the talks to find ‘African Solutions to African Problems.’ The issues remaining on the table at the trilateral negotiations under the auspices of the African Union are being narrowed to a handful of critical matters on equity and justice, on which the Arab league nations have no business or legal right to be involved.
Africa’s Sustainable Growth Hinges on Science, Technology and Innovation: Experts
Mar 3, 2023 61715
Addis Ababa March 3/2023/ENA/ Achieving the ambitious targets of the 2030 and 2063 Agendas of Africa requires leveraging the power of science, technology, and innovation (STI), according to experts. A press release issued by the ECA stated experts at the Ninth African Regional Forum on Sustainable Development have emphasized the crucial role of STI as a key driver and enabler for ensuring economic growth, improving well-being, mitigating the effects of climate change, and safeguarding the environment. They also underscored the need to strengthen national and regional STI ecosystems by fostering innovation, promoting entrepreneurship, and investing in research and development. By doing so, the experts said that Africa can harness the potential of STI to accelerate its socio-economic progress and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030 and the African Union's Agenda by 2063. The session, held on 2 March 2023, builds on the recommendations of the Fifth African Science, Technology, and Innovation Forum, which accentuates the central role of STI and digitalization during the COVID-19 pandemic and the need for the necessary infrastructures for the development of STI, plans, and policies that are action-oriented towards strengthening its full implantation. The experts highlighted that despite advances in STI, significant gaps remain in bridging the scientific and technological divide between developed countries and Africa. The highly uneven global distribution of scientific capacity and access to knowledge threatens to derail the goal of leaving no one behind, which is the central and transformative promise of Agenda 2030. “We need a clear political will from governments to ensure science, technology, and innovation is a reality. By doing so our education systems will be capacitated to deliver knowledge that is vital to solving Africa’s sustainability challenges,” Niger Higher Education and Research Minister Mamoudou Djibo said. The strategy includes the establishment of universities as centers for excellence and investments in education, technical competencies, and training in the fields of science, technology, research, and innovation. These initiatives are crucial in accelerating progress towards achieving global goals. However, in order to fully leverage the potential of STI, significant investments in research and development are required. National systems also need to be strengthened, Namibia Information and Communication Technologies Deputy Minister Emma Theophilus, stated adding that “strengthening our national systems for STI is a key game changer for rapid structural transformation in Africa. Leveraging the digital transformation can achieve a stronger, smarter, and more inclusive recovery.” Emerging evidence suggests that an STI and digital Africa can be a springboard to accelerate the implementation of the SDGs and fulfill the aspirations of Agenda 2063.
Feature Article
National Humanitarian Assistance to Gofa Zone Landslide Victims Consolidated
Jul 26, 2024 188
The Ethiopian government is delivering humanitarian assistance to victims of devastating landslide that hit Kencho Shacha Gozdi Kebele of Gofa Zone, Southern Ethiopia Region. The landslide was caused by heavy rains in Gofa Zone on Sunday night, burying some residents. Sadly, another landslide hit the area on Monday morning, engulfing those people who gathered for search-and-rescue operations. The incident has claimed 226 lives, according to Disaster Risk Management Commission. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed announced the deployment of a federal disaster prevention task force to Gozdi Kebele on July 23 to facilitate rescue operation and emergency assistance provisions to the affected community. Following the premier's announcement, various government bodies have mobilized resources to provide immediate relief and support to the affected communities. Disaster Risk Management Commission (DRMC) in a statement sent to ENA said that the humanitarian and rehabilitation activities are well underway, delivering assistance to the victims of landslide in Gozdi Kebele of Southern Ethiopia region as per the direction given by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed. Ambassador Shiferaw Teklemariam Disaster Risk Management Commissioner recalled that the landslide disaster caused loss of lives and destruction of properties in Gozdi Kebele of Gofa Zone. The federal taskforce, comprising high ranking government officials from various ministries and institutions, has been deployed to the Gozdi Kebele to identify critical issues and the necessary humanitarian assistance in the area, the commissioner said. While the lifesaving operations still continue, the number of persons who died as a result of the landslide has so far reached 226, he revealed. He added that in parallel to the provision of humanitarian support, efforts are in place to rehabilitate the victims in an orderly manner based on study, he indicated. Accordingly, 600 people have been relocated from the area hit by the landslide, where altogether 6,000 vulnerable people have been identified for relocation, he pointed out. The humanitarian support has been intensified by federal and regional states as well as various institutions, and the citizens at large. The commissioner further said other humanitarian partners have also been extending food and non-food assistance through the UNOCHA. Earlier today, the Addis Ababa City Administration also provided relief assistance to the victims of Geze-Gofa district. Mayor of Addis Ababa city Adanech Abiebie announced yesterday, "We have dispatched over 45 million Birr in cash and humanitarian emergency items to assist the landslide victims in the Geze Gofa woreda." Meanwhile, Kasech Elias, Head of the Southern Ethiopia Region’s Women and Children's Bureau, reported that the bureau has delivered essential supplies to the site. "We have provided 750 liters of cooking oil, powdered milk, and clothing for 100 infants, sanitary pads for women, and other forms of support. The Southern Command of the National Defense Force has also made a contribution to the relief efforts. Major General Admasu Alemu, Deputy Commander for Operations, visited the affected area and oversaw the delivery of 40 quintals of biscuits and 5 quintals of sugar. Additionally, the Command has dispatched an ambulance and a team of medical professionals to provide emergency support. Ethio Telecom, in collaboration with the disaster prevention of Southern Ethiopia Region, has launched fundraising SMS 8091 to support the affected community. Deputy Chief Administrator of the Southern Ethiopia Region, Gebremeskel Chala, emphasized the government's commitment for sustainable recovery of affected community. "Beyond providing temporary humanitarian aid, the regional government has established a task force to assist the victims in rebuilding their life sustainably," he stated. Overall, the national emergency assistance provided to victims of landslide in Kencho Sacha kebele, of Gofa Zone showcases the concerted efforts of the federal, regional, and local authorities, as well as public enterprises and the general public. The incident underscored that local capacity should be enhanced for disaster response and recovery. As the rescue and relief operations persist, authorities are urging ongoing support and solidarity from all sectors of society to support the affected communities in Gofa Zone. Commissioner Shiferaw Teklemariam has extended appreciation for Ethiopians which have demonstrated solidarity in providing humanitarian assistance to the victims of the landslide. Towards addressing the problem sustainably, he urged fellow Ethiopians to continue their support.
A Walk Through the New Addis Ababa
Jul 9, 2024 5213
A Walk Through the New Addis Ababa By Mihretu Mollalign Addis Ababa stands at a precipice. The city vibrates with potential, yet traffic gridlock, limited green spaces, and underdeveloped areas stifle its progress. The corridor development project emerges as a bold vision for transformation, an opportunity to unleash the city's true potential. The government has set its sights on revitalizing Ethiopia's bustling capital city. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s signature project, the Addis Ababa Corridor Development, is a multi-faceted initiative aimed at transforming the city's landscape and resident conformity. It is crystal clear that Addis Ababa boasts a rich history that began as a humble mineral spring resort in 1886. Transformed into "New Flower" just a few years later, it quickly blossomed into the bustling heart of the nation. This historical sketch traces its fascinating journey, from its early days as a political center to its current role as a diplomatic hub and headquarters of the African Union. The once-sparse settlement bloomed into a bustling center. Drawn by the promise of opportunity, nobles built grand residences, artisans established workshops, and foreign visitors flocked to its doors. The city's architecture mirrored this growth, transitioning from traditional huts to European-influenced stone houses commissioned by a mushrooming middle class. The early 20th century witnessed an economic boom fueled by Ethiopia's flourishing coffee trade. This newfound wealth fueled a wave of modernization. Paved roads snaked through the city, automobiles replaced horse-drawn carriages, and banks emerged to handle the growing financial activity. Addis Ababa was no longer just a political center; it was becoming a commercial and cultural powerhouse as well. Today, Addis Ababa stands tall as a diplomatic hub and the headquarters of the African Union. Skyscrapers pierce the sky, a testament to its economic might. Its story is one of constant transformation, a testament to a nation's unwavering spirit and its enduring desire to bloom anew. It is undergoing a significant transformation. While few politicians may have their own agendas, many residents are embracing the city administration's "corridor development" project, which focuses on improving aesthetics and implementing highway standards. This change is evident throughout the city. While I was walking from Addis Ababa Technical College to the National Theater, I met Belayneh Desta, 73, enjoying a rest on a newly built pedestrian bench. He expressed his delight at the changes. "Just a few years ago, walking through these roads was unthinkable," he said, his face beaming. "Now, I can comfortably walk all the way from the Mekanissa to Mexico." Belayneh, who has lived in Addis Ababa since his childhood, spoke of the past challenges. "The old roads were not only narrow but had no enough lights and unsafe for pedestrians, even though most people in Addis rely on walking," he explained. "The new design promotes equality. Cars have their highways, and pedestrians have designated walkways with benches to take rest in the meantime." The project extends beyond functionality. "It's making Addis Ababa beautiful and a city that meets international standards," Belayneh continued, "The narrow roads are gone, replaced with wider spaces and greenery." While there may be some temporary inconveniences during construction, most residents recognize the long-term value of the corridor project. The rapid dismantling and rebuilding process further underscores its efficiency. In fact, the premier announced the successful completion of some of the corridors including Piassa and Arat Kilo routes hitting the ambitious three-month deadline. As promised, this achievement reflects the government's commitment to on-site progress updates. "Efficiency remains paramount," the premier emphasized. "We must be swift and innovative to maintain momentum in the remaining corridors". According to the PM, the top priorities remain ensuring quality and fostering a positive environment for all citizens. This project thrives on collaboration.” I am grateful for the public's goodwill, which reflects the dedication we've invested in planning and execution. We acknowledge any inconveniences this grand initiative may have caused’. Encompassing over an estimated 240 kilometers of road and related infrastructure development, the project boasts a wide range of features, according to available sources and some of these include over 48 kilometers of newly asphalted roads, four modern underground walkways, an extensive network of 96 kilometers of pedestrian walkways, 100 kilometers of designated bicycle routes, five kilometers of dedicated running tracks and 48 new bus and taxi terminals to streamline the city's transportation system. The project goes beyond just roads, incorporating elements to enhance residents' quality of life and some of these including 70 green centers and parks for recreation and relaxation, fountains and additional green spaces throughout the city, recreational centers, children's centers, and public plazas to foster community, 120 modern restrooms for improved sanitation, and a modern drainage system for better flood control. In other words, this initiative promises to significantly enhance the lives of residents, empower businesses, revolutionize city planning, cultivate a healthier environment, engine for economic progress and lay the foundation for future prosperity. Imagine stepping out your door to wider, cleaner streets traffic crawls no more, replaced by the smooth flow of buses and the gentle whir of bicycles. Parks and walkways beckon, inviting you to stroll or cycle through a revitalized Addis Ababa. This is the promise of the corridor development project, a transformative initiative shaping the future of the city. A modern infrastructure is the lifeblood of commerce with efficient traffic flow and improved public transport. This not only benefits businesses but creates a more attractive environment for investment, fostering economic growth and job creation. Addis Ababa is on the move. The corridor development project tackles neglected areas, breathing new life into them. Upgraded drainage systems, restored historical sites, and modern utilities paint a picture of a sustainable and vibrant city. This project is not just about aesthetics; it's about building a resilient and thriving capital for generations to come. Environmentalists are celebrating the project's focus on a healthier Addis Ababa. By prioritizing walking, cycling, and public transport, the initiative reduces reliance on cars, leading to a significant decrease in air pollution. Besides, modern drainage systems ensure responsible water management, protecting the city from flooding. Therefore, the project isn't just about a facelift; it's about building a resilient city for the future. Neglected areas are being revitalized with upgraded drainage systems, restored historical sites, and modern utilities. This promotes sustainability and creates a vibrant city center. Cleaner air, less congestion, the corridor development project promotes a healthier Addis Ababa. By prioritizing walking, cycling, and public transport, the initiative reduces reliance on cars, leading to a significant decrease in emissions. Modern drainage systems ensure responsible water management, protecting our city from flooding. Beyond aesthetics, the project recognizes the importance of a modern infrastructure for businesses. Improved traffic flow and public transport not only shorten commutes but also create a more efficient delivery network. This fosters economic growth by attracting investment and creating jobs. The road ahead requires open communication and social responsibility. Resettlement due to construction must be handled with care and support. But the challenges are outweighed by the immense benefits. The Addis Ababa corridor development project is a collective endeavor, a composition for a brighter future. The project acknowledges the need for open communication and social responsibility. Resettlement due to construction will be handled with care and support. While challenges exist, the immense benefits outweigh them. The corridor development project is a collective endeavor, a co-creation of a brighter future for Addis Ababa. In a nutshell, Addis Ababa's story is one of constant transformation. Today, the city is embracing an ambitious "corridor development" project that focuses on improving aesthetics, creating wider roads, and incorporating green spaces. Residents like Belayneh Desta are enjoying the benefits of this project, with safer pedestrian walkways, a more pleasing landscape, and a city that meets international standards. While there may be temporary inconveniences, most residents recognize the long-term value of the project. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has emphasized the importance of quality and collaboration, underscoring the government's commitment to transforming the city into a more beautiful, attractive, and livable space for all. The road ahead won't be without its bumps. There will be adjustments to make and challenges to overcome. But by working together, residents, businesses, planners, and environmentalists can all play a part in shaping a brighter future for Addis Ababa. The project is not just a construction initiative; it's a collective endeavor to build a modern, sustainable, and prosperous city for all. Let's embrace the promise of a transformed city where clean streets hum with activity, green spaces flourish, and opportunity thrives. Indeed, the government’s vision for Addis Ababa extends beyond this project. The "Green Legacy" initiative, a nationwide tree-planting campaign, contributes to a greener city. This multi-pronged approach paints a picture of a modern, sustainable, and prosperous capital city.
Ethiopian News Agency