Ethiopian Defense Forces Cleaning Up Remnants of Terrorist Al-Shabab: Major General Tesfaye


Addis Ababa July 26/2022/ENA/ Measures have been underway to clean up the remnants of the terrorist Al-Shebab who were cut off from the group that was destroyed while trying to infiltrate through Eastern Ethiopia, Head of the National Defense Force Deployment and Coordinator of the Temporary Security Command Post, Major General Tesfaye Ayalew said.

Major General Tesfaye stated that the enemies of Ethiopia have recently attempted to carry out attack in the eastern part of the country under the impression that peace has been restored in the north and western Ethiopia following the law enforcement operations.  

He pointed out that the terrorist Al-Shabab group tried to conduct attacks in border areas of Yed, Ato, Elbirde, Waqasho and Firfir in Somali Region.  

However, their attempts were totally thwarted by the security forces, Major General Tesfaye added.

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Even though the militants of terrorist Al-Shabab infiltrated in one direction, the security forces had encircled them and destroyed more than 100 members of the group.

He stated that vehicles that had been used by the group were completely destroyed adding that measures have now been underway to clean up the members of the terrorist who were cut off.

Major General Tesfaye has also noted that the role the Somali Special Forces and its leadership have played in destroying the terrorist group was immense.

During the crackdown, several heavy weapons and small arms were seized from the group including machine guns and RPG, he indicated.

Major General Tesfaye further said that currently the National Defense Force and the Joint Security Forces have fully entered the areas.

According to him, the Ethiopian National Defense and Somali Region Special Forces as well as the Security Command Post are on high alert to repel forces that might attempt incursions into the territory of Ethiopia.

Ethiopian News Agency