Int’l Community Ill-informed about Current Situation in Ethiopia: Patriots Ass'n President


Addis Ababa, October 4,2021 (ENA) The international community is ill-informed about the current situation in Ethiopia, Ethiopian Patriots Association President Lij Daniel Jote Mesfin said.

The president told ENA that some foreign powers have been putting unjust pressure on the Government of Ethiopia and ignoring the deeds of the terrorist group TPLF that violate  international and national laws.

Despite the horrific crimes it committed, the terrorist TPLF group is not condemned by the international community and this defies logic, he noted.

To defame the federal government, the terrorist group has been using the international media to carry out  smearing campaigns through the international media that willingly collaborates with TPLF, the president elaborated.

Lij Daniel further pointed out that the terrorist group has been massacring people, killing domestic animals like camel to harm pastoral communities that are strongly attached to them, raping women, and looting  properties, among others.

The immoral group even killed both Christian and Muslim religious fathers, besides destroying churches and mosques in the areas it occupied, and this is not acceptable by any measurement, he added.  

However, the international organization is not denouncing the evil terrorist group but imposing all forms of pressure on Ethiopia.

The president called on all pertinent international organizations and the community to warn the terrorist TPLF to stop killing more innocent civilians and destroy infrastructures.

"I also urge to keek their hands off Ethiopia!" he stresed.

Appreciating the firm commitment of all Ethiopians to defend the country from the terrorist group, Lij Daniel underscored that Ethiopians are capable of safeguarding the sovereignty of the country.

Ethiopian News Agency