Shane Alliance with Terrorist TPLF Exposes True Nature of Group: Residents of Adama City


Addis Ababa August 14/2021 (ENA) Inhabitants of Adama city said the alliance of Shane group with the other terrorist group TPLF, which killed and plundered the Oromo people, clearly shows its true nature.

The youth Derese Adugna told ENA that it is amazing that the Shene group which claims to stand for the rights of the Oromo joins a group that has been plundering, killing and torturing the Oromo people for 27 years.

The young man said it is not possible to call such persons Oromos. A group which claims to defend Oromos will not stand with enemies of Ethiopia. This is shameful and those people are predators that do not represent anyone.

Noting that the TPLF had plundered the Oromo people's wealth and land during its 27 rule, Derese stated that the front created by Shene and the terrorist TPLF is aimed at disintegrating the country and wipe out the Oromo people.

However, it is no more possible to make political gain in the name of the Oromo people who sacrificed their lives to oust TPLF from power, he stressed.

It is now the responsibility of the youth to stand alongside the government and the national defense force to save the country, according to Derese.

Another resident of the city, Amana Seid said it is madness that Shene joins a terrorist group at a time when the Oromo people have turned their faces towards reform and development.

“It's a shame and disturbing to hear this kind of unholy alliance. A change agent does not engage in such cheap activities…. There are young people who are working for change and they are witnessing change with the current leadership. But this Shene group is serving the enemy.”

The female resident, Zemezem Jeylan said the rights and interests of the Oromo people can now be protected through peaceful and civilized manner as the people of Oromo had broken the yoke of oppression.

Underling that the Oromo people are great people who can defend their rights and interests independently, she stated, adding that a dependent group like Shene cannot help the people because it is a messenger.

Ethiopian News Agency