Ethiopians in Los Angeles Express Support to Law Enforcement Operation in Tigray


March 17/2021(ENA) Ethiopian Americans residing in and around the city of Los Angeles have expressed their support to the law enforcement operations carried out in Tigray region in a demonstration held on Tuesday.

The Ethiopians have also denounced the ongoing pressure exerted against Ethiopian sovereignty by some countries and international organizations invoking false and unsubstantiated story of “ethnic cleansing “ blowned by the propaganda mouthpieces of the defunct TPLF.

The law enforcement operations have been instigated due to the ruthless attack waged against the Ethiopian National Defense Forces Northern Command by the criminal clique, the demonstrators said.

This is unprecedented act of betrayal in the long history of the state, the Ethiopians underlined in their protest rally held in front of Office of Congresswoman Karen Bass.

Ethiopians across the world have been denouncing the interference of some foreign countries and international organizations in the internal affairs of Ethiopia regarding the current situation in Tigray region.

Ethiopian News Agency