Ministry Launches Home-Grown Collaborative PhD Programs


Addis Ababa,  February 16/2021(ENA) Ministry of Science and Higher Education today launched a Home-Grown Collaborative Phd programs that aims at graduating 5, 000 third degree students in five years.

The programs will be implemented in Arba Minch, Addis Ababa, Bahir Dar, Haramaya, Hawassa, Jimma, Mekele and Gondar universities in a collaborative manner.

It will also be executed in Addis Ababa and Adama Science and Technology universities, the ministry indicated.

Minister of Science and Higher Education, Samuel Urkato on the occasion said until next year the universities will receive 5, 000 students to be graduated in the coming five years.

The program is a vital instrument for over-all quality human capital development and to fulfill the demand in the country, he said.

“Skill and knowledge are imperative to unlock the unexploited natural resources of Ethiopia. So, the economic benefit of human capital development is urgent in various sectors,” he said.

Higher Education Quality Fund Project Office established at the ministry coordinates different reform initiatives and will support the Home-Grown Collaborative PhD Programs.

According to him, the ministry has been undertaking reforms and striving to enhance access and equity by taking various initiatives in higher education and this Program is a flagship project for the ministry.

Ethiopian News Agency