House Approves Bill on Amnesty

Addis Ababa July 20/2018 On its second extraordinary meeting today, the House of People’s Representatives approved the draft bill providing for the procedure of granting and implementing amnesty. The law is aimed at harmonizing the criminal code and the constitution of the country as well as create conducive environment for to grant amnesty. Impacts of criminal offences on national sovereignty, whether it is better alternative to ensure peace and security, and interest of the persons to be granted amnesty to return to peaceful life will be considered to grant amnesty. The law establishes board members drawn from five federal ministries and two individuals to be assigned by the Prime Minister. The board will be accountable to the Prime Minister’s office. The federal ministries included in the board are: Federal Attorney General (chair); Ministry of women and Children Affairs; Federal Police Commission; Federal Supreme Court; and Federal Prison Administration.
Ethiopian News Agency