Ethiopians Continue Unwavering Support for GERD: Director


Addis Ababa December 10/2020 (ENA) Ethiopians across the nation have increasing their unwavering support for the realization of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) as the financial support reached 14 billion birr, GERD Public Participation Coordination Office, Director Argawi Berhe said.

Aregawi said that Ethiopians and Ethiopian born Diaspora have been exerted massive efforts on countering all diplomatic attacks to destruct the construction of the dam. 

“The nations, nationalities and peoples of Ethiopia from all walks of life have contributed over 14 billion birr so far. In addition to the financial support, Ethiopians have been behind the dam in moral, profession, in labor and other contributions including the priceless efforts on countering the pressure and diplomatic attacks from various actors,” he said.

Ethiopians, as they were victorious over various enemies through their diversified but united hands, now they are repeating it on construction of the flagship dam project which shows diversity is an asset for the country, he noted.

He further said “Ethiopia is endowed in various natural assets with diversified nations, nationalities and peoples. It is our homeland. One of the major assets of the country is being the home of heroes who can properly defend its sovereignty and integrity”.

Aregawi noted that the swift measures of the government towards rectifying confusion circulating the grand dam following the comprehensive reforms undertaken in Ethiopia highly increased the participation of the public.

“Due to the swift actions undertaken by the government starting from the post reform of the country, the support for the grand dam has been continuing in a better manner. The filling of the first phase of the dam enables to the boost the participation of the general public,” he pointed out.

He urged Ethiopians to continue their resolute support to realize the GERD in spite of any differences.

Ethiopian News Agency