City Mayor, Private Companies, NGOs Launch Project to Contain COVID-19


Addis Ababa July 23/2020(ENA) A private public coalition between the Addis Ababa Mayor's office, private sector companies and non-governmental organizations today launched a project that aims at reaching more than 1.2 million vulnerable people for COVID-19. 

The project, dubbed “Tenachin Bejachin!” (Our Health in Our Hands) initiated by Dalberg Group and Roha Group will cost six million USD.

The project is expected to help people living in highly dense communities that struggle with access to water, soap, and other compounding challenges, according to a press release issued by the project.  

Manufacturing and distribution of face-masks and soaps, installing of water tankers, and deployment of behavioral change education to address the needs of 1.2 million vulnerable populations and reinforce broader efforts to fight COVID-19 are among the activities to be carried out under the project, the press release stated. 

Fisseha Alemayehu, CEO of Free Zone International, one of the coalition members said, “Joining this coalition has helped us manufacturers maintain our business and support the country in the battle against COVID-19”

The one million USD required for the pilot project was secured by Roha Group, a private company while the remaining five million of the funds will be secured from donors, private sector players, and non-governmental organizations that are expected to join the coalition.

The press release noted that the Government, through the Ministry of Finance, lifted value added tax on items manufactured for the project, with the aim to support private businesses in their efforts to contribute to the fight against COVID-19.

Furthermore, Save the Children Ethiopia provides the coalition technical guidance, leadership, and support regarding communication and community engagement, it was indicated.

Ethiopian News Agency