Djibouti Reduces Port Tariff by over 82 % for Ethiopia's Export Trade


Addis ababa, April 15/2020 (ENA) Djibouti has announced 82.5 percent reductions in port tariffs for Ethiopia’s export trade to help the country contain the spread of COVID-19 pandemic.

 Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed lauded Djibouti’s move by expressing gratitude to its President, Ismail Omar Guelleh.

“Profound gratitude to President Ismail Omar Guelleh of Djibouti for recognizing a neighbor in need. With 82.5% reductions in port tariffs for exports at this critical time, the support is testimony to countering the effects of COVID19 through collective leadership,” the prime minister said on his face book page.

Ethiopia currently uses Djibouti's ports for about 95 percent of its external trade.

Prime minister Abiy has also discussed with  Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on the ongoing efforts to tackle coronavirus.

Abiy said on his twitter page that he had a telephone conversation with president Erdogan.

"I appreciate   Erdogan’s interest to support Ethiopia to overcome COVID19 challenges. Thank you for a good phone conversation and look forward to partnering in the supply of essential medical equipment,"  

Ethiopia is the largest investment destination for Turkey in Africa, attracting over 2.5 billion USD of the total six billion USD Turkish foreign direct investments in the continent.

Ethiopian News Agency